How many pictures will be taken on our trip to WDW?
*tidbits to know to help you in forming your answer*
-we will be visiting the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios AND Animal Kingdom
-we are staying on Disney property (potentially more picture opps)
-we will be "on vacation" for approximately 4 days...depending on if you count drive time
-it will be E's first trip to see "the mouse"
-i will have two cameras & will compile the number of pics from each for the final answer
-my small P&S will be with me in tow on my 1/2 marathon
-i will likely use the big Canon SLR for everything else
The winner will guess the number closest to the actual number of pictures taken WITHOUT going over...you know, sort of the Price is Right style...
The prize will be something of a Disney theme...to be purchased while I'm down there!!
The marathon is right around the corner--you must be getting really excited!
What a GREAT idea! My guess is 230.
do cell phone pics count too? :)
hmm i'm going to go with 289. just picking a random number of course.
have a safe trip!
Cool contest :)
Love this! I'm guessing somewhere around 630--you will be going to a lot of parks and doing the themed dinner plus you'll want to get tons of pictures of E with his favorite characters so you'll be doing a ton of snapping!
Do you delete blurry and other photos deemed no good immediately, or do you wait until they are all uploaded?
Oh Wow!! this is such a neat idea!! Im going to go with 522 pics. Have a great time girl!! I will be cheering you on from Africa!!!
I'm going to guess 361.
My guess is 432. Hope you have a great time... I'm sure you will!!!
I took 297 pictures on my honeymoon to Disney, so I'm going to guess 361!
Incredible! I wish you the best of luck! My guess is 284.
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