Saturday, September 18, 2010

a new strategy

I'm going to start dressing like slob at work... and wearing shorts and t-shirts too.


Well, because our new PE teacher, who is very cool by the way, was wearing shorts and "athletic" tees to school everyday for the past couple weeks. I assumed he got away with it because he is the PE teacher, even though the other (female) PE teacher does not dress like that. It didn't bother me.

Then this past week, he told me that the principal slipped him a little note about all the great work he is doing (which he is!!) and accompanied with the note was $200 in giftcards to Kohls and JCPenney and a nicely worded message to get himself some khakis and collared (polo) shirts to fit in more with our "mission" or something like that.

Well shoot...I could certainly use some new clothes and even though I didn't move from NY for this job (like he did), $$ is still tight and I still make a crap salary (like him), so where's my $200???


Rachel said...

Holy crap! That's insane!

k said...

Yep...that's a private school for ya!! Would never happen in a public school.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god that is awesome! You're probably too late for the gift cards though, you've shown you know how to dress appropriately.

Anonymous said...

Money seemingly does grow on trees!

CJ xx

emilysuze said...

lol Let us know how your plan works! :)

Lindsay said...

LOL I hope that works out for you! Even if you don't get a GC, at least you'll be comfortable :)

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

You've got to be kidding me! We had a no jeans policy at my school last year and I had like 2 pairs of pants that fit and couldn't afford to go shopping. Would've been great for the principal to hand me some money!

justem said...

Our PE teachers dress that way...both male and female. I don't have issues with it, but it does crack me up a bit, as they don't actually DO the physical activities w/the kids!!

Megan said...

oooh....I should try that!!! I wonder if it'll work? And all this time I've been using my own money to try to look somewhat presentable!

Beatriz said...

So you guys hiring any science teachers over there? :D

That is crazy!