This 1st question is a stumper already...I think maybe any of those treats in the Harry Potter books would be fun to try. Also, while reading "Goodnight June" by Sarah Jio, I craved a good hearty pasta dish (thanks to the Italian restaurant in the book). I never got anywhere for that craving, so instead I made slow cooker lasagna on Sunday. I would still really like some ravioli or tortellini though.
2. How long did it take you to finish your last book?

Only 4 days because it was SOOOO good...normally I run about a week per book, sometimes more.
3. How many times do you stare at your books or bookshelves each day?
I look at my virtual bookshelves EVERY.SINGLE.DAY and sometimes multiple times...I also check my Amazon e-book Wishlist daily seeking out the next great deal...the prices fluctuate ALL.THE.TIME.
4. How many Goodreads friends and books do you have?
Friends: 37
Books To Read: 245
Total Books: 738
A true reflection of my real life too...more books than friends.
5. Do you ever quote books in public?
No, can't say that I do, though there are many quotes I have found and love. When I remember, I post them on Goodreads.
6. Do you ever re-read books?
Ha! That's funny!! I don't even have time to read the books I want to read ONE time, let alone go back and re-read something I've already read. Now, I would LOVE to re-read all the Harry Potter books, I just don't know when that will happen.
7. Do you judge a book by its cover?
Yes, often. Can't help it.
8. Instagram, Twitter, or Tumblr?
IG and Twitter only.
9. Which genres take you the longest to read?
I cannot identify a genre, it's more per book. I typically do not read Science Fiction because I'm not interested, though if forced to, I imagine it would take me a while to get through.
10. Who are your favorite BookTubers (or Book Bloggers)?
I really enjoy Christine's blog Bookishly Boisterous, especially her Thursday "Bookish & Not-So-Bookish Thoughts" posts.
11. How often do you pre-order books?
On the rare occasion that a book is about to be released by an author from whom I've read multiple books and so I am quite certain I will also love this newest book. Yes.
12. Are you a shopaholic?
When it comes to books, that is a great possibility, though I've really made efforts to get e-books from the library (saving me tons of $$) and also waiting for price drops on Amazon. Woot!
13. How many times have you reread your favorite book?
See #6.
14. Do you own a lot of books?
I do not own a lot of actual AKA paper books because I'm not a fan of "clutter" and I also don't have the space. I probably own about 25 books, 20 of which I still need to read.
15. Do you take pictures of your books before you read them?
Occasionally. Before and during. Rarely after. Usually just for posting on Instagram or Twitter.
16. Do you read every day?
Yes, normally I do, just before bed and on the treadmill when I have the opportunity to get to the gym.
17. How do you choose a new book?
A lot of times from friend/Goodreads recommendations and also if I like the description of the book, I will often give it a try.
18. Do you always have a book with you?
I would say 98% of the time since I carry my iPad Mini with me.
19. What are your biggest distractions from reading?
Life commitments like work, errands, parenting, 1st grade homework, cooking & cleaning.
20. What is your favorite place to buy books?
Most of mine come from Amazon...I apologize to the indie stores since I'm buying e-books and I work in a school, I don't have a large book budget. Someday when I have millions (?), I will do a better job of supporting the indie shops. And I do love browsing "real" book stores...there's just something about being surrounded by books that feels oh so good.
I'm so impressed with how many books you've read!!'d recommend Goodnight June? I'll put it on my list! ;)
I'm so impressed with how many books you've read!!'d recommend Goodnight June? I'll put it on my list! ;)
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