1) I just had to do this "What Type of Book Are You?" quiz...I got "Library Book"...which is absolutely hysterical considering that I almost NEVER went to the library until Ethan was born and then it was ONLY for kids books. Still I only occasionally borrow a "real" (AKA not e-book) book from the library. I'm more of a buyer of e-books or I will get e-books from the public library when they are available.

2) I'm still plugging away on "Masterminds & Wingmen"...I really want to finish it which has been somewhat challenging since it more applies to teenage boys and my own is only 6. I am reading it more for dealing w/students at school but then most of the book content is directly more at parents. It will be useful as Ethan gets older, but let's be honest, I'll probably forget it all by then and need to re-read it.

3) I finished "This Is Where I Leave You" on Monday night and woohoo...LOVED it!!! It did not end as I had anticipated, but I think that's ok. I'm even more excited to see the movie now.
4) I am working a wedding this Saturday. I am totally dreading it. It will be along 9-10 hours on my feet. I really want to bail out, stay home and enjoy my weekend...but that would be a really poor choice.
5) Friday nights will be so fun for the next few weeks as Ethan is playing Fall Baseball..games are Tuesdays and Fridays. It's pretty low-key and somewhat unorganized, but at least he's getting more playing time/practice in and he'll be really ready come Spring season.
6) I have been wanting to bring in bagels to work this week but it's been quite the challenge...first, the bagel shop is in the opposite direction of work/school, so I need to leave extra early. Second, I can barely get up and ready just to get to work on time as it is, let alone get up extra early to go get bagels. I really want to try tomorrow morning though as we are having a "jeans" day (reward!!) and the bagels would be a nice treat too. It will be my RAK for the season. :)
7) We have sold more than $500 in popcorn for Boy Scouts in just the first week. Woot!! Pretty excited about that!!

8) I started reading "The Winter Guest" last night...started off great, but I didn't get too much read since I need to sleep at night so I can function the next day. Looking forward to getting back to it though.
9) This is my preach lately. So tired of people saying they are soooooo busy, as in BUSIER than me (or you)....hey guess what? Everyone's busy!!!
10) Some people just suck. That is all.
I also loved This Is Where I Leave You...and the movie is on my list for the weekend.
I TOTALLY agree with point #10 - made be laugh out loud!
I just did the 'What type of Book Are You' as well. Apparently I'm a hardcover, fresh with an uncracked spine?!?!
Can't wait to see TIWILY as well.
Sooooooo true about business. Same goes for feeling tired. We're all tired!
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