1) It's official. I have a warped sense of time when it comes to crafting...I signed up for yet another on-line scrapbook workshop...though it is self-paced and I'm super motivated to work on it...let's hope I am in it for the long haul and actually finish the project. Go me!
2) Oops...it's probably not a good thing that only 1 month ago I bought an e-book on Amazon and then just yesterday added it to my wishlist...in other words...I completely forgot I bought it. That's what happens when the price goes to $2.99!!

3) Hard to believe, but I just read "To Kill a Mockingbird" for the very first time in my 43 years of life. Yep. Truth. Not sure how I skirted around it during those fabulous adolescent years of required (boring) reading, though if it was required of me, I likely bought the Cliff Notes for it and called it done. I was NOT at all an "avid" reader during my youth. Hindsight: I wish I had been.

4) I'm in this new book club. The first book we are reading is "Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea". I was so NOT excited to read this book, in fact, I was almost annoyed as the person choosing had originally said she was going to go with a classic and since I've read next to ZERO classics, I was looking forward to adding one to my "read (past tense) this book" list. Well, I've been pleasantly surprised while reading this book...I'm quite absorbed into the lives of the individuals the author is writing about. They have (obviously?) defected from North Korea and I am dying to get to the part in the book that talks more about that. I always knew the leaders (?) of that country were "off their rockers" bat-shit crazy but it's so much more than that. Beyond sad and rather unbelievable. Seriously, holding hands in public is taboo!! WTH?!?!
5) This week has been kicking my butt...I am not sleeping well, so I'm waking up exhausted (and a bit miserable) which is making it difficult to get through this week. Not to mention the 47 things I have to do after school every day. Ugh. I need Saturday to get here quick!!
6) Speaking of Saturday, the plan is to go see Cinderella w/my mom....so excited. Ethan then said that he wanted to see "HOME" which comes out this Friday...so we may do a double feature and see both!!!
7) It's been 8 days since I ran...oh boy. I've been walking just about every day though...Sunday included 6 hours in a car so needless to say - not many steps that day as getting laundry done was more urgent than getting on the treadmill. And I was worn out. Monday was simply a "lazy" day for me..though Ethan did have baseball practice and we didn't get home until after 7pm...so once again, I was OUT of time. Today at least, we should be home at a reasonable hour (before 5pm!!) and so I have a date with the treadmill. This is the kind of date that you really don't want to go on but feel obligated to, because maybe your friend set you up with the person....some days I love running, most days I don't, but I always LOVE running when I'm done with it.
8) I'm in OBSESSION mode with the Broadway Musical AIDA...saw it way back in 2001 (or 2002) out in AZ and the music is amazing, bought it many moons ago and love it today just as much as then. I'm listening to it on constant-loop AND THEN TODAY THE BEST THING HAPPENED...our drama teacher told me about the AIDA Concept Album that Elton John made back in 1999. The same songs by different artists...now, I absolutely LOVE Heather Headley and Adam Pascal (swoon!) on the Soundtrack, but when you love a song, it's always good to hear other fab artists sing it as well. Elton and LeAnn Rhimes do an AWESOME version of "Written in the Stars" ---check it out. The bad news: I gave up buying anything on iTunes for Lent!!!! Ack!! 11 days and the album will be MINE!!! :)
See here:
1 comment:
Aida is one of my all-time favourite musicals. Every single song is so good. And Adam Pascal is pure perfection.
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