*Hooray...it's Holy Week and that also means only 3.5 days of school. That's A LOT to be happy about.
*We will be spending Easter at home this year. Last year we went to SC and froze our tooshies off...since we were just there for Spring Break, we will stay put this weekend.
*Our local little league baseball is underway...3 practices so far and our first game is April 11.
*I ran 3.1 miles yesterday for the first time since my Dec 2013 knee surgery. It wasn't too bad, though I went slow and did a lot of walking throughout. My knee did swell up a bit afterwards...not visibly, but I could feel it. I'd say that's normal.
*I'm really struggling with what the best (getting back into) running "routine" would be...I've been running every other day for the most part (a few exceptions) and on my NON-running days, I make a point to walk on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes at 3.7 speed. I'm thinking maybe I'm not doing enough as the scale is not moving as much as I'd like it to. I quit my YMCA membership for a couple months because I simply could not get there during the school week. I plan to rejoin in May and I look forward the the stationary bike for additional leg workouts. I wonder if running 1 mile (or maybe a little more) EVERY day is better than the walk/run routine...any thoughts?

*Once I get myself in better shape and down a few pounds, I need to really focus on longer runs in preparation for the WDW Princess 1/2 Marathon. I have every intention of being there in 2016. Right now a 5k is daunting for me...can't imagine running another 13.1 mile race.
*I'm 4 books behind on my reading goal for the year already. That's not good. It seems I'm either caught up (or close) on scrapbooking Project Life or I'm ahead on my reading goal. Never both.

*I'm reading "The House on Tradd Street" by Karen White...I started it during Spring Break - I figured "when in Charleston, read about Charleston" I even walked over to 55 Tradd Street (the house in the book), but 55 doesn't actually exist...it used to, but it was never a MAIN house, it was a small kitchen house behind the main (57 Tradd, I think) house. It was still neat to walk by and see where it would have been.
*I weighed myself this morning so I'm highly motivated (obsessed) with getting in shape and eating right (today)...what I'd love more than anything would be to get my flabby arms looking a lot better. This has been a dream of mine for many years. I'm going to work on this at home and make a calendar to check off everyday that I complete the exercises....maybe that will help me? On March 1, I started a 30-day squat training...I did great until Spring Break...I should have taken the calendar w/me...fell off the wagon so I'm trying to pick it back up now doing week 3 this week. I'm hoping/thinking this will also strengthen the muscles around my knees.
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