Thursday, August 20, 2015

Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts

Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things they've encountered during the week, etc.). 

1) Well, we are in the "homestretch" of our super duper extended summer. I think we are both ready to go back. We've both been spending a lot of time on technology, especially with all this rain, as we are  running out of places to go and things to do. We've gone to numerous Disney Store events too.

2) Reading The Rosie Project and loving it. Tonight I have my long run, but tomorrow morning I plan to walk on the treadmill for 1 hour - and read. Cannot wait. 

3) When Ethan gets upset with me or a decision I have made, he walks off and starts talking to himself. It's kind of funny, but I do hope this isn't something he carries into adulthood.

4) I don't watch much TV, but Tuesday night at 9pm EST I was GLUED to the friend and former co-worker, Mitzi, was a contestant on Extreme Weight Loss Makeover and her episode aired that night. I had the kleenex handy and am so proud of her accomplishments. She is truly the sweetest person you could meet and I'm so glad she was given this opportunity.

5) Ethan had a great time going rollerskating yesterday, though he said he fell on his butt a lot...haha! I took advantage and went for a run outside and then had my massage appointment. He got back from rollerskating around 1230pm and we went out to lunch together. It was a good day. 

6) This week, I've been working on my #weekinthelife project with Ali Edwards. I love this project, but this year I feel like I've been "off my game"...not taking many pictures and feeling like I have nothing to take pictures of. Ugh. Kind of frustrated.


Christine said...

Are you guys going from starting in August/out in early June to starting in September/out in late June?

Anonymous said...

The Rosie Project is such a fun read (but tbh, avoid The Rosie Effect).

k said...

Christine - it's only this year due to some construction on the school. They didn't 90 straight days to do work on the entrance (changing it's location) hence the long summer this year. They took out a lot of days off during the year, no Fall Break and we still don't get out 'til June 10 (kids). Me, June 14. I wish they would just start our school day earlier so we could get out at the end of next summer will be super short - like 6 weeks. :(

Angela said...

I've been hearing great things about The Rosie Project. I just checked it out from the library and am going to start reading it as soon as I get through the book I'm currently reading.