Thursday, August 13, 2015

Bookish & Not-So-Bookish Thoughts

Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things they've encountered during the week, etc.). 

1) Still plugging away with reading "For Such a Time" by Kate Breslin and it's really good!!!

2) I really really really want one of these Momentum bracelets...problem is I cannot decide on which phrase I want to get!! The idea is to wear it when working out/running/racing, but I could see myself wearing it more often as well. As you can see there are SO many to choose from!! I like "stay strong" and "be brave", but there are a couple others I would like too!! Help!!

3) Tested out the new Garmin watch last night. I only ran 1.5 miles because I had already run indoors that morning (and the Garmin works best outdoors & won't work well indoors until it learns your stride from running outdoors a few times). Someone please tell me WHY was that 1.5 miles SO freakin' hard???  Running on a treadmill seems easier. I'm going to guess it's because it was the end of the day and I had already ran, swept floors, vacuumed and shampooed carpets in my house...maybe I was low on energy? Yep, that sounds good!!

4) Tomorrow night - GIPSY KINGS in concert...heading to Atlanta (blech!) but that's where they will be playing. Haven't seen them in probably 10 years. Also hitting up the Coca Cola Museum Saturday morning before heading home. Good weekend ahead!!

5) Ethan has decided he likes rollerskating after last trip to roller rink w/after school/summer program. Super stoked that they are going again this Wednesday and he can go along even though I'm not working. A few free hours for me...they will fly by I'm sure and I have more than enough to do to fill the time.

6) I really wish (and hope) that I was a faster runner. Seems like I'm a 12 minute/mile kind of gal...wonder if I'll improve on that any?

7) So, I've had a dream for  quite a few years now to be a Disney Cast Member (and live in FL) ...preferably in a mid-level job, not an $8.00/hour entry level job (since I can't support a family on that)...and so I've decided that this is the year I will focus significant effort on making that dream a reality. Come April/May 2016, I'll really be working hard on this as the school year comes to a close and I'll be able to truly make a change. I will be giving the resume an overhaul and spending a lot of time on LinkedIn and hopefully making connections as much as I can. I've been inspired by a fellow (amazing!) teacher who just left after 5 years of service to go into Pharmaceutical sales...I'm sure she is singing her way all the way to the bank!!

8) With as much as I am working out, I'm kind of frustrated with the SLOOOOOW moving of the scale. Seriously, I am eating well, running 4 times a week, doing the 30-day plank challenge (with my mom!), numerous arm exercises w/weights, crunches and squats DAILY...but things sure are moving slow. Argh!!


Travel & Dive Girl said...

I like the "accept no limits" - that will also fit with your career aspirations.

Keep up with the exercise and healthy diet - things will change. I'm not having any luck on the side of things either. My scale keeps going up even though I've be mountain biking like crazy, eating healthy (most of the time) and generally behaving myself. My husband tells me everything is turning to "muscle weighs more than fat" - I hope he's right.

k said...

Thank you for the bracelet input Sharman!! I like that one!!!