1. We have had a real Christmas tree for the past few years and I've always enjoyed setting out to go pick one out together as a family, however, we have a small house and always have to jam said Christmas tree in the corner. I hate that and so I have made the executive decision to purchase an artificial (pre-lit!) tree this year. Specifically the one pictured, from Target. A tall, slim tree is a gorgeous tree if you ask me and I'm hoping it works better in our house. If it fits where I have imagined it to go, then all will be good. And according to Ethan, Sharky the Elf needs more places to hang out every day too!

2. Just finished enjoying YA book "Holding Up The Universe" by Jennifer Niven and I loved it. Like, really loved it. Truly great characters and it makes you hope and wish there were more people like the two main characters in this world. Read it. You won't regret it.
3. I've started going to the chiropractor in an effort to get some relief from back pain. Seriously, I turned 45 in August and I feel like I have been hit by a Mack truck most days. It's definitely been downhill since August and I'm not ready to accept that. And I cannot afford to stop working out or even reduce it since I simply look at food and gain weight. Totally sucks. Anyway, I've gone 3x so far and I have experienced some relief. My right hip has also been giving me a problem so we are working on that as well. Right after an adjustment, he tests my range of motion and it's amazing to see immediate results. Whoa! I cannot wait to go to Yoga tonight and see if I notice any differences there.
4. I'm proud to say that I got up early on Thanksgiving morning and went to the Hot To Trot 5k. The weather was perfect which definitely helped. Oscar and Ethan drove me there after all so I didn't have to fret about parking. Win! I'm a typically (beginner) runner...went out strong for the first 1.5 miles and then putzed along at the end. Not a bad time for me really, but just can't seem to come in under 35 minutes. Ugh! *See #3 (getting old)!
5. I ambitiously signed up for a paper crafting project for the month of December. Like we don't have enough to do right? I know, stupid. But I couldn't resist. It's a List Making project. Check out @30daysoflists on Instagram. I plan on tweaking mine a bit to incorporate more Christmas-y things and such and to make it more of a December Daily project, though I just can't seem to commit fully to a December Daily project anymore. I love the books I created in years past, but again, just not enough time and it ends up making me feel resentful instead of enjoying the time....so yeah.
6. I've already been bitten by the "baking bug"...I just want to be home and able to bake all day long. Last night, I threw together a quick batch of peanut butter cookies. It's pretty much the only recipe we had all the ingredients for. I actually used the recipe for the Peanut Blossom cookies (AKA Hershey Kiss Cookies) but without the kisses. Ethan gave them 2 thumbs up.

7. I started reading Mischling yesterday...not that far in yet. It's ok, but I think it might be a bit dark & depressing for the holiday season. I may have to re-think this decision.
8. I check my Amazon E-book Wishlist every.single.day to see if the price goes down on the many books I want to read. It usually happens 2x/month or so that I'll find one down to 2.99 or 5.99, which is awesome. I snagged "Everyone Who is Brave is Forgiven" for $2.99 yesterday! (It's back to $11.99 today!)I try really hard not to buy until they go on "sale". The joy & excitement I feel in pulling up my list everyday is really crazy, but I own it.