1. It's a miracle...I may have found a Podcast that I can actually listen to...The Book Nerd...so far I have only listened to 2 episodes, but so far, so good.
2. It's late October and we are in the mid/high 80s, unusually high for TN. Add to that, the AC died for the 2nd time this summer Tuesday. Nothing like running on the treadmill when your house is 80 degrees. So happy the AC fixer-man came yesterday and it was a nice cool 74 in the house when I got home.
3. I'm glad the cooler weather will roll in on Friday as we will finally have time this weekend to make it to the pumpkin patch, though it will only be me and Ethan since Oscar has to head back to VA for work. Can I say that I'm really "over" his 6 hour work commutes and they better get him a job site closer this next time around. #Overit There is a chance that a friend from my previous job will join us at the pumpkin patch, which would be nice.
4. My 5k on Sunday was mediocre. I watched the 1/2 marathoners take off and was glad I wasn't with them, but then on the other hand, after I finished the 5k, I felt like I hardly did anything. There were a few fairly steep hills and my time was slower than I had hoped, but that seems to be par for the course lately. Also, the course measured 3.04 on my watch so it wasn't actually a full 5k as normally my watch will read more than the course length due to zig-zagging etc. Oscar and Ethan dropped me at the start and went back to the hotel to sleep since Oscar is struggling with major Plantar Fascitis right now. It stinks not having someone at the finish line to cheer you on. :( I did enjoy a leisurely and peaceful walk back to the hotel however and had my 10k steps completed by 9am. #winning
5. Ethan is really taking off with the drums. I think we have (finally) found "his thing"...he wants to quit baseball but I'm making him finish the season on the premise of teaching him the value of "commitment"....I think that's the right thing to do...he only has 5 games left and he has a good friend on the team....he STILL wants to quit. Ugh. He has a drum performance on Saturday night at a local elementary school Fall Festival. He is both excited and nervous. I am excited for him. He has also started voice lessons with his former music teacher who we love love love!! He wants to sing Motley Crue and Maroon 5 songs. :)
6. I think I'll go cast my vote for the lesser of two evils today and get that over with. The end result will be complete crap no matter the outcome.

7. Give me all the candy corn. Only the real candy corn though, none of those candy corn cookies or candy corn flavored whatever. Just the real deal please. I love it!! I eat too much of it! But I still want more of it!
8. Maybe I'm off here, but when someone arrives to work, they typically greet others with "good morning" or other friendly gesture....so there is a person I work with who doesn't "get" that philosophy as he says nothing. And when others come in and say "good morning"...he doesn't respond....and yet he told another co-worker that he had a reputation of being "bossy" and "arrogant" at his former employer and to let him know if he was ever acting that way here....um....I hope she lets him know soon. #jerk
1 comment:
Oh, your office co-worker sounds horrible. I hate working in a tense environment, and he sounds like he would bring a lot of tension.
It has been cooling off here, but not much below 70s...and mostly 80s. I guess that's "cooling off" for these parts. I should know what to expect, I guess, as I've lived here for 45 years! lol
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