Reading: Be Frank With Me -for my November book club. It's really good already...with some quirky characters too!

Eating: Still with my Dannon Green Yogurt Black Cherry flavor. I'm also known to frequently consume tacos. Hoping to try some new tacos this weekend.
Wearing: Having to dress up a bit more for this job than the school gig...which is just about killing me...I have NO shoes it seems...that are "fit" for the new job...even though it's business casual, it's more business than casual when compared to the school. I'm not planning to go out and buy any heels though, but have been struggling to find shoes and even clothing that I'm both comfortable in and will "work" for work. Ha!
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving weekend. We are FINALLY heading to the beach...as long as no hurricanes decide to pop up. SC, here we come!! At last!
Listening to: a lot of "Home Sweet Home" by Motley Crue and "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson as Ethan practices his drums for performing these two songs in December. Love it!!
Wishing: for a lot....that my knee wouldn't hurt when I run. that I could work less and be around for Ethan more. that I could wear jeans and sperrys every day. that Saturdays lasted forever.
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