1. Today in history: According to my prior years FB posts, this has been a crappy day- both in 2009 and 2015. Bracing myself that today doesn't follow that pattern.
2. Still enjoying the BookNerd Podcast when I can...and of course, they are no longer making episodes...so there's my luck with podcasts.
3. If I'm not listening to a podcast, I'm most definitely listening to the Hamilton Broadway Soundtrack. I'm a little late to the party, but I'm ALL IN now...completely obsessed. Maybe when they come to Atlanta (2017?) tickets will be in my price range...lol. A girl can hope (dream), right?
4. This motherhood gig is hard. Ugh! Will I ever stop second-guessing my decision on this job change? I can't seem to get to a place where I am "ok" with the longer work day and the loss of summer. What was I thinking? I know I was miserable and so I have to keep reminding myself of that. It IS better here for many reasons, but I'm so STUCK on schedule. Oh yeah and the sedentary manner of the job has helped me gain 8 (freakin') lbs too! Super NOT happy about that.
5. So answering phone calls from employees is a big part of my job...even though we don't get many calls (emails mostly). I worked from home yesterday and while it was nice, it also made it harder to get away for a bathroom break...the phone is through the computer (neat!) and the ringer isn't very loud, even with the volume all the way up. Add to that that my team members don't typically log into the phones (as backup), so it's mostly me and one other person. Kind of a pain to announce my restroom needs but we have to do it every day so that *someone* is covering the phones. Note: See #4.

6. Going to make some delicious Rainbow Sprinkle Pudding cookies for a Halloween party we are going to on Saturday but instead of rainbow sprinkles, I'm going to use only black & orange sprinkles. Fun!! These cookies are so soft and yummy too - a new favorite of mine for sure.
7. Right now we have plans to go on a hike on Sunday. I'm excited as I've been wanting to go for a while and I love taking pictures in the mountains with the beautiful scenery etc. Here's hoping my husband doesn't derail the plans with his crazy side work jobs.
8. Looking forward to walking my entire neighborhood on Halloween...it'll be an awesome Fitbit day for sure...you know, since I sit all.freakin.day.long nowadays.
9. Not excited about Ethan's costume choice...I don't even know the real name of it, but basically it's a creepy death-like guy, creepy mask, top hat, supposed to carry a scythe (sp?) but we talked him out of buying that piece since it's something ELSE to carry all over the neighborhood. The costume is creepy enough.