Wednesday, October 10, 2007

~Friday Frustrations ON Wednesday~

OK - I know it's only Wednesday, but I'm swiping this "Friday Frustrations" thing from Dawn... my frustration meter is in the red already in honor of goes...

1. Do you ever feel that people can take things too seriously? Hell yes!!! We are all a bunch of up-tight Americans and I'm convinced that I was born in the WRONG country. I think I'll have to head either to Mexico or Europe where everyone is friendlier and MUCH more laid back. OK, this may be extreme, but that's probably due to my over-exposure to Corporate America.

2. Do you ever have a day where it seems like nothing will go right? How do you get past that?Yes, that would be today. I don't know how I'll get past it yet...if I could drink, I would probably do that...but crying is probably more likely to occur - all things considered.

3. What is the most frustrating thing that has happened to you this week? I'm going to have to say "work" - both of them.

4. What is one thing that is guaranteed to frustrate you every time? See above answer.


Anonymous said...

You are ruining my idea that getting pregnant will make me happy. Please stop, it's all I have left to hold on to! I'm thinking of moving to Rome and becoming an English language tour guide. I don't think my husband would mind if you joined us.

k said...

Amy-Sorry to burst your bubble. I will admit thought that I'm definitely NOT the "ideal" example of a (happy) pregnant woman....oh the stories I could tell.

Anyway...what time does the plane leave for Rome?!?! I'm there!

Anonymous said...

It's okay, it shouldn't come as much of a burst, as I'm expecting that if it ever happens, I will fall into the camp of people who do not enjoy getting pregnant. Especially since hubby has already told me he has no intention of doing the deed with me between having that little stick turn blue and the baby coming out. Here's hoping to a pregnancy that I can hide from him!

k said...

Amy-Yep, I don't understand people who have 4-5 or more thanks. It's just not for me.

Oh and it's easy to hide..I'm 5.5 months and it's still hard to tell -well, with clothes on anyway. You could hide it from hubby for probably 3-4 months and then you might have an "all out boob assault" as Nora would put it. LOL!!

k said...

Oh and does your husband know that there's no "deed-doing" for 6 wks after the baby comes out too??? He may change his mind on such a lengthy hiatus. I was typing this I felt the first kick - it was freaky!!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, first kick, exciting! And yes, I've explained to him about the six weeks after, and that six weeks is just a guideline, it could be longer, so he could possibly go an entire year. I've also told him that my boobs will get HUGE, and that it's either all the way or none of the way. He just can't pick and choose!

~**Dawn**~ said...

Ugh. I hate days like that.

Hey! A first kick! I'll bet that feels weird.

Mary said...

I hate days like that! Hope your Thursday was better?! and how exciting about the first kick!!