Friday, October 05, 2007

~scrapbook crop~

Is it too much to ask for a DECENT scrapbook crop around here? Apparently so.

I went to the crop tonight @ my was from 6-11pm.

There were a whopping total of 7 people there.

On the bright side, we all had a lot of space.

On the not-so-bright side, it makes it hard to meet anyone, plus none of them were really close to my age (strange).

I also got VERY little accomplished...apparently I'm still lacking on the mojo.



CB Mauro said...

I know how you feel, I seem to have misplaced my mojo too ??? I also emphasize with it being hard to make friends. I don't know if this is too far for you but I signed up for a big crop in Feb put on by Get Cropping, (sorry I don't know how to make it a link for you). Anyway, I'm actually going to do classes instead of the crop, maybe classes will help me get creative again? Sorry you were disappointed with the crop!

Freebird said...

Wish I had time. Scrapbooking looks like so much fun - well, that is until you've lost your mojo! lol Sorry. :-)

I wrote you back last night, but this morning it says the email was "delayed" and not to resend. I'll resend it tonight just in case.

Mary said...

bummer! sorry it wasn't totally fun. I am surprised it was small...and sorry about your mojo!

~**Dawn**~ said...

My mojo has been gone for over a year, maybe evn closer to two now. Which is not good. I have a project to work on...

k said...

Dawn-I was wondering why you are never on 2Peas anymore....