~On Saturday I made my trek down to Chattanooga. I went to 3 scrapbook stores - all pretty disappointing. I spent a record low .95 and that was at a Stamp & Scrapbooking Show that just happened to be going on...it cost me $6 to get in and I only bought .95 worth of product...ha! One of the stores I stopped at was actually a Cake Decorating store, with a few scrapbook supplies thrown in the back...yeah, not good.
~I also made a stop at Rock City, so here are a few pics for your enjoyment...

~I need a new name for my blog...any suggestions? I can never come up with anything generic enough and I don't like the current name anymore...sounds too negative.
~I made "Dirt" yesterday for the work meeting. It's actually chocolate pudding, Cool Whip and crushed Oreos...YUM!!
~I've been quite inspired to cook lately since working on my recipe book. This morning I made a Corn Casserole (for dinner, but I already ate some...heehee). I also made a Taco Layer dip, but haven't tried that yet.
~I had 2 maternity tops that I purchased from Old Navy online a few weeks ago. I was sort of "on-the-fence" about them, but finally decided to keep them. I went to put one on the other day and completely decided against them - I had 2 of the same, just different colors. So I dug out the receipt and headed up to Old Navy to return them. I ended up leaving with a bunch of clothes for Ethan instead...lucky little dude. I've also decided that I will only buy baby clothes that are on-sale...nothing full price. Everything I got today was on sale - woohoo!
oh, that sucks about the SB stores!! Dirt - sounds lovely...I have heard its really, really good!! I've been inspired to cook a little too - I worked at the Junior League Shopping Spree, and was assigned to the cookbook booth, where we had cookbooks on sale from a ton of the other Junior Leagues...there was some yummy stuff in them!! Have you heard of the cookbook called "Kitchen Diva"? it's not a Junior League book but we were selling it too and I swear 30 people told me how wonderful it was, so now I want to buy it (Barnes & Noble!!). And, finally... I think that is a fabulous plan for Ethan's wardrobe!! :)
I have been thinking & thinking & thinking about a suggestion for a new blog name. And I've got absolutely nothing. I came dangerously close to changing the name of mine recently, to the title of the song I have on my blog right now: "waiting for my real life to begin." But the couple of people I mentioned it to *freaked* because my blog has has the same name since the beginning & that's how people know it now... so I left it alone. Maybe there is another quote out there that will inspire you? Something from S&TC? Or from Grey's? Or maybe from Men In Trees? Maybe a song lyrics that jumps out at you? I wish I could be of more help. =P
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