~i love
Travel & Dive Girl's I Want Wednesdays posts and decided to
swipe adopt the idea here...there's ALWAYS something I want so we'll see if there's enough to do this EVERY Wednesday...it might end up being a Monthly post...but
THIS Wednesday I want....
~this sweet
Garmin Forerunner 305 GPS watch, for running of course...and then I can sync it up with this fun
Running Ahead program!!

~a lifetime supply of the
Berry Pomegranate Luna Cookies. I received a FREE sample in the mail last week and bravely tried it, as I am NOT a fan of the Luna Bars!! This cookie was scruptious and now I have a guilt-free snack for after those evening runs that inevitably leave me hungry!

~I really NEED
the Oakley Half Jacket Sunglasses in Root Beer for my outdoor running and especially for the
Disney Princess 1/2, although I imagine the sun won't be out at the crazy-early hour of 6am when we start the race...I'll need them shortly thereafter however. :)

this awesome Detroit Tigers sweatshirt...even if I only get a few months each year to wear it and those months NEVER fall during baseball season. I still want it!

~and did I mention that Sunday is my birthday???
All you had to say was cookie and now i want one. SIGH.
wait...the WDW half-marathon starts at 6 a.m.? You never mentioned this and of course I'm too lazy to actually read about it until I absolutely have to. Damn, that's early.
I've toyed with the idea of getting that exact same watch. As it is now I don't time myself. Not sure if I want to go there.
Never tried a Luna cookie, but that Tigers sweatshirt is AWESOME!
I want my dogs to finish painting my house for me so I can start packing for my trip!!
happy birthday early!!
i have a garmin 205 - quite a bit less expensive than the 3o5. i believe the only difference is no heart rate monitor. just mentioning it in case that makes it easier to turn your WANT to a HAVE. :-)
Love the watch, the sunglasses (I love sunglasses) and the sweatshirt. Hell, I just may borrow this entire post next week. LOL
I have tried the Luna bars and have only liked one of the ones I tried - the Carmel Nut Brownie. I haven't tried the cookies...I will now though.
That's a rockin watch btw!
I love Oakleys!! I have had 2 pairs now! Absolutely love them! I enjoy the sweatshirt too, just would like a different team name, like the Minnesota Twins..hee hee
I can't share the same excitment about the watch but it looks cool as hell!
i want that watch too--why are they so darn expensive!
I want the watch, the luna bar and those excellent sun shades. This I want Wednesday is pretty cool. If I could really get them.........!!
Any big and exciting plans for the birthday?
I am pretty sure the Red Sox sweatshirt Nichole fell in love with in Boston is very similar to that! Definitely had that "old time" feel to it! Who says you can't wear it outside of baseball season anyway?! I wear my Sox stuff year round!
That jacket is the bomb.
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