I love music and over the years have spent WAY TOO MUCH $$ on it...so to offset my out-of-pocket expenses, I would love for an iTunes gift card to fall out of the sky and right into my lap.

This is one of E's fave bedtime stories and as a result it is now in TWO pieces...a replacement is now warranted.

Happiness. I'm going to try to follow this little mantra/phrase (whatever it is) and see if happiness all of a sudden appears on my shoulder.

Lastly, I want a little more time in the day...to get my school reading done, to scrapbook, to relax and just be. I'm tired of rushing all.the.freakin'.time!
Great wishes for this week! I love the Happiness mantra. Time is something that seems to always be out of my reach too.
I think I'm going to do I Want Wednesdays too. I just can't think of anything for WTF Wednesday. An I tunes gift card would be at the top of my list too.
I love the happiness quote.
My husband put all the whole bowl of spare change in the coinstar machine at the grocery store and accidentally pushed the button for iTunes gift card. You don't have to pay coinstar the 8% that way, and it turned out that we had $130 to play with on iTunes! That was in April, and we're down to $15. My spare change is spoken for from now on. It was the best mistake he ever made.
TravelGirl: thanks for the wishes.
Goose: join the club of I Want Wednesdays...it's fun, even if you don't ever get what you want.
Valerie: good quote. hard to keep in mind though.
Housewife: I did that one time, on purpose, but it wasn't for $130. It's nice though to be able to avoid the ridiculous 8% fee!
I didn't know you could get an iTunes card at Coinstar! My husband never uses change so we have tons of it in random places. I need to collect it and get to buying some good music.
I'm thinking I might steal this idea because my life is so boring and blah right now that I have nothing to post about unless I want to break out stories of me force feeding prunes and pushing suppositories up Baby P's bum. Fun, I know.
what a fabulous quote. Love it.
Love the Thoreau quote! And if you figure out how to find more time, you'll share, right?
All I can tell you about that happiness quote is that it was true for me. I hope it is for you as well.
Man...I have such an enormous wish list for iTunes. I am *so* with you on the gift card.
A little more time in my day would be fantastical.
I want Wednesday is so much fun. it's nice to share things that yo want. Even if you don't get them. Lol.
We don't have the option for itunes cards on our coinstar machines here in the uk :-( I would have one every month if we did!!!
Love the happiness quote xx
Love the Thoreau quote. And the time thing? If I had an extra 12 hours a day, I probably STILL wouldn't get all my stuff done...
But I WOULD have more time to sit in front of my computer reading great blogs like yours!
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