~if you describe the course as "area's newest scenic certified course"...the course should not include passing by the local hospital's sewage treatment facility. Stink-a-rama!!! We also passed by some horses and cows, but I do realize I'm in TN...so I guess I just have to deal with that one.
~when you post the registration form, please include the course description and disclose the fact that the course has 75 freakin' hills!!! Yes, folks, this "newly certified & scenic" course is crazy a$$ hilly. I was not the only one walking ALOT. I have a feeling they did not disclose this so as to have more participants...after all, it was a fundraiser. But at least maybe mention it's not an ideal course for beginners, or something along the lines of it being a "challenging" course. Yes, that would be nice. and courteous.
~I guess those are my only two complaints...i finished around 37:40 or so...times will likely be posted later today or tomorrow morning. I really don't care that I didn't get a new PR. As soon as I saw the crazy hills, I knew there would be no PR today. On the bright side, I still finished 2 minutes faster than the race I did on July 3, 2009.

~and I don't know why in the world I was smiling in that post-race picture that I Tweeted earlier...there was hardly anything to smile about after this one....well, except for the fact that I was still alive. Phew!!
ETA: I finished in 37:26 and finished 12th in my age group. There were a total of 24 in my age group. The gal who finished 1st in my age group had a time of 25:50....yeah, that is SO not going to be me...ever.
I'm sorry this was such a challenge. At least you finished though right? That last part (about smiling cuz you're still alive) just made me giggle.
Some good news: I'm pretty sure we don't have anything that could be classified as "hilly terrain" in Florida. Unless you count "Space Mountain," "Big Thunder Mountain," "Splash Mountain," "Expedition Everest"... =P
congrats on getting another race under your belt!! :)
You inspire me to wrap my knee and get back out running!
I hate hills. I run them every single run and I still hate them. It's pretty hilly where I live so I don't really have a choice.
p.s. congrats on completing another race!
You rock! Sounds like you managed to complete a really difficult course and you were in the top half of your age group. Way to run your bum off!
Good luck on tomorrow's race!
Congrats on your hilly race!!! Hills are the devil. I sooo dread running them. Are you running sunday as well? If so, good luck. Ive never seen the LaraBars before, I might have to check um out.
great job!
You did great! At the last 5K (last weekend), there was a lady in my age group (the 40s~) who was disappointed in her 25 minute time. I wanted to hit her.
I probably should have.
So, we may never be FAST runners - but we've got some mad perserverance. Keep strong! You are doing great!
Sounds like you did a great job, despite the tough course. Congrats!
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