Tuesday, September 01, 2009

just stuff

~a few people have inquired about the 5K I did on Sunday. If you weren't on Twitter, then you don't know that the race was quite painful. The course, thankfully, was flat, but because I ran the other 5K on Saturday, I was not 100%. At about the 1 mile mark, my calves began to "scream" and I was forced to walk. That is VERY early to walk for me and herein began my disappointment and realization that there would be no new PR...which I had hoped for. I felt GREAT prior to the run, it wasn't until I started running did all the pain start up, which I suppose makes sense. So in all, I had to walk QUITE A BIT on Sunday and my time was 39-something. Humiliating really. But they didn't use chip timers, so it's not entirely accurate, but it was definitely slow. I haven't decided if I'm going to run tonight or not. I took Monday off, of course.

~I have my deposition on Thursday morning. I cannot wait 'til it's over with. It's supposed to be somewhat nerve-wracking...so I hope I can remain calm and just answer their questions and get outta there. Just when I thought maybe the end was in sight for all this, my lawyer is not deposing the opposing side 'til Oct 15th...so we'll be waiting around another 6 weeks for nothing. Lovely.

~that's about all I have this morning. my computer @ work is ridiculously slow and is wearing on my last nerve, so I better just hit "publish post" and be done with things.


humel said...

Hi there, just dropped by from Shimelle's :-) I like your etsy stuff, looking forward to seeing your LSNED pages! See you in class ;-)

JW.BW said...

I hope you have a quick recovery! Dont forget to super hydrate, take some glutamine and that arnica gel is the sore muscles best friend!!!

Anonymous said...

I think for doing two 5K's in a row for the first time, that was a very good time.

And don't sweat the depo. Just keep your cool, and don't get emotional AT ALL. In addition to trying to figure out what you'll be saying at trial, they want to see how you react on the stand. If you're combative, you'll seem less sympathetic, so they'll be less likely to settle. And remember, saying "I don't know" or "I don't remember" is totally acceptable. It's better to say you don't know, try and remember, get it slightly wrong, then remember later - they'll call you a liar.

emilysuze said...

Good luck with staying cool with the deposition.

And I think that doing two 5k's back-to-back is an amazing feat all in itself. C talked me into participating in a 5k at the end of this month and I'm dreading just the one run.

Hopefully your computer decides to be nicer to you tomorrow. :)