~just some proof that I do still own (2) cats. ever since E came into the picture, well poor Milo & Hula have taken backstage to the camera. I used to take pictures of them all the time. Now, not so much. So the other day while playing around with new lovely Canon SLR I took this one of Milo just hanging out on the couch...his usual spot.
~I'll have to work on getting a good picture of Hula to post here.
Awww - cute kitty. We have one too, but he does not like his photo taken at all.
What a pretty cat!
P.S. Would you say the camera you bought is pretty user friendly and would be good for a novice that wants to take better pictures but that doesn't want to have a camera that is smarter than she is?
I seriously had NO idea you had a cat. For real??
T&D Girl: Thank you. Does your kitty run from the camera?
Em-Thanks! Um...I don't know how to answer your question. There are many things on my camera that I still don't know how to use, but it DOES take better pics than a point & shoot & the main reason i like it is that it is faster - so you don't miss those smiles & such with the little ones. For that alone it is worth it!
Rachel-yes, I have TWO cats. Milo & Hula - they have their own little widgets down on the right hand side.
lol I was just thinking the same thing as well... I had no idea you had 2 cats :)
Now that the girls are older I'm back to taking pix of the animals instead of them.
Great picture! I really like the way the light filters in. And cats are cute!
Loving that new camera, eh? I would cry if I didn't have my Canon Rebel XS.
I like taking pictures of my dog - but she runs away from the camera. I wonder if the camera looks like a big eye.
Milo is lovely! He looks a lot like my Jacob.
Very cute!!!!! I didn't know you were back to blogging!!! Your son is beautiful! pixie
I see a kitty in a sun spot. =) Is that a "safe hangout" for him away from busy little hands? Or do they not avoid E?
Nice picture--I like the way the light and shadows are falling across Kitty's face.
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