~on a brighter note, I got some super cute pics of E feeding Marcos the Goat, so I'll post them as soon as I have a chance. E LOVED Marcos the Goat!!!

~i have not run for 4 days! that is the longest NO-run span since I began on June 2, 2009. Not good. I had planned to run @ the VA Tech campus over the weekend, but that didn't happen because (1) i didn't know the way there & didn't want to get lost on my way through all the country roads and (2) it was freakin' chaotic @ my sister's house & there was no way she could get away to take me since we already had our girls day out on Saturday. Boo!! I really wanted to get a run in too. So instead, I've lugged my running gear to work with me today with the intention of running after I get out of work. My co-worker loaned me her Garmin watch and I still haven't used it so I feel sort of forced to run outside, which at this point is probably better than going home & running anyway.
~i'm ridiculously behind in my school reading and somewhat undisciplined to get caught up too...while @ home that is. if I could go to the bookstore every night after work then I would easily get caught up. but since we all know that would go over like a lead balloon, I will remain 3 chapters behind in both classes. not good. i am planning to spend the ENTIRE day at B&N on Sunday though. My mom already volunteered to take E for the day so if O boohoos about it, then at least I have mom in my back pocket. Thank goodness!!!

Glad to hear you made it back o.k. - even though it sounds like you had your hands full with O.
I love those shoes! I think I need them too - they look super comfy. I'm with you - I don't own a bunch of different shoes, although I would like to too...
I don't love the looks of the shoe, but I totally understand about comfort. That's why I pretty much live in Danskos in the winter!
I like the shoe! I followed the link and was tempted to buy a pair but then realized that I live in Washington and those shoes would be no good in the rain and snow. Boo. This means you must buy them so I might live vicariously through you. :)
Good luck with catching up on all of your reading. Thank goodness you have your mom as a back up for Mr. Craptastic.
I'm like you, not the typical girl with a million shoes, but these are cute! Go for it!
I like the shoes. :) And those shorts would look ridiculous on me.
So glad you had a nice trip!! How fun with E and the goat. We will be adding a goat or two to the family next year when I get home. The shoes look super comfy!! And I dont get those shorts either. Too skimpy for me too, I tried them on once, but didnt even like them to run in.
Welcome back! Sorry to hear the trip wasn't all that great, though.
Those are some of the cutest comfortable closed-toe shoes I've seen in a while! :) I'm one of those girls who forgoes comfort for the sake of fashion, but I think even I might wear those if I felt compelled to wear comfortable closed-toe shoes!
hey! glad you stopped by and added me, i'm returning the favor of course and adding you as well! :)
i love the nike tempo shorts, for running... i could never (still can't) wear shorts to class/to a restaurant in the summer b/c it's always freezing! i'm not sure how all those girls manage either.
get out and go for a run, even if it's only 5 minutes! tell yourself how much better you'll feel after vs if you skip it :)
You need a vacation alone, lady! Glad that you're back tho! You'll fall right back into running. No worries!
Those shoes are nice! Look very comfortable. I too have a brown and black pair of winter shoes, lol! I hope you get to run soon =)
I've seen those same shorts all over, too! Weird.
As for the break in running, sometimes it is good to give your body a break. You may be faster than ever now.
I can't wait to see E's pictures! He is always adorable.
Oddly, in the land of shorts, I can't recall seeing anyone wearing those! Now I am going to have to pay close attention the next time I go to WDW.
I don't own a ton of shoes either but I'm with you: I need comfy. I can't deal with pinched toes or blisters for the sake of fashion. If I can have cute & deceptively comfy? Perfect!
I followed the link and decided that I need those shoes too! I have a lot of shoes but I only wear one or two pair of them because I need comfort, all the rest where bought for special occasions and warn once, now they clutter up my closet because "I may need to wear them again one of these days" !
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