Monday, September 14, 2009

a new relationship!

~I will be starting a new relationship this evening. It will be a very intimate relationship. It even involves bubbles and hot water. My jacuzzi tub has been grossly underused but tonight that will end. I'm going to run up our water bill and fill that baby up in a hopeful effort that my legs will enjoy it.

ETA: I guess I live in a 3rd World Neighborhood because we didn't have enough HOT (freakin') water to fill up the tub to where it could be therapeutic. Damn!

~I had hoped to run 3 miles tonight. I have had 3 days off from running. Less than 1 mile in the left calf and foot pain returned. I pressed on and did some walking but quit at 2.25 miles. To say I'm frustrated is an understatement. If I had a better area to bike ride in, I would give up entirely on the running and convert to being a cyclist. I would! But since that is not the case, I will press on. I also don't have a way to transport my bike to ride elsewhere, so again, running it is.

~I just canceled out of the 5K I was signed up for this Saturday.

~Despite the 4 hours of studying @ B&N on Sunday, I remain WAY behind in my reading. I wanted to stay @ the store longer, but we won't really go into that. I WILL be spending significant time there next Sunday though. I was able to finish my Stats Correlation project and for those who wondered, there was a very WEAK (.202) correlation between blogging and Twitter use amongst the 20-29 yo who completed my survey a few weeks ago. Honestly, I thought there would have been a stronger correlation. I have a test on Wednesday. Not sure what to expect on that one. The syllabus says "exam" and the prof keeps calling it a "quiz"...those are 2 VERY different things in my head!!

~I watched The Number 23 last night on iTunes. I did the $2.99 rental - pretty cool feature if you ask me. It saved me a trip to Blockbuster and that makes me happy...not to mention it was cheaper that BB would have been. Anyway, I have a do a review paper on it with a focus on his OCD on the number "23". As for the movie, I give it 2.5 stars out of 5. Not too exciting really.

~Well me and my sore legs are going to the couch now.


Optimistic Pessimist said...

I have to write a paper about the Enron movie and I rented it from iTunes too! Totally love that idea. So much better than having to go out and get the movie and then take it back! We're so spoiled these days!!!

As for the leg issue...ICE ICE BABY!!!

Rachel said...

Sounds like an exciting start to a wonderful new relationship :)

Beth said...

Ice and rest for your leg! Take it easy for a few more days before you ease back into the running. You won't lose your mad running skills.

I think the hot tub idea sounds lovely!

Fidgeting Gidget said...

I hope your jacuzzi bath was lovely. And I'm going to take complete credit for giving you the idea today via Twitter--you're welcome. In my opinion, there's nothing better than a bubble bath after a hard day!

emilysuze said...

You should have done things the old fashioned way by making O heat up buckets of water for your bath. :)

And I'm glad I wasn't the only one unimpressed with the Number 23.

Mara said...

Hope you enjoyed your date with the jacuzzi tub. You more than anyone deserve some R&R time!

~**Dawn**~ said...

Ummm, yeah. Some words are interchangable. 'Quiz' and 'exam'? Are NOT.

Lindsay said...

that stinks about the jacuzzi tub/hot water! :-/

heavy, sore legs need a nice ice bath... not as comfortable as a hot tub but feels good for the legs at least. for the foot, i'm sure you are "R.I.C.E"-ing it, maybe massage/stretch the muscles if those are hurting?

k said...

OP-ice bath sounds SO UNenjoyable. Yikes.

Rachel: it would have been a better start if I had more hot water.

Beth-I hope I don't lose my "skills"...if you can even call them that.

FG: you can have the credit.

Emily: we actually DID fill up pots of water and heat them on the still didn't get hot enough though. Boo!!

MJ:Thank you. I hope to enjoy another but with hotter water.

Dawn: thank you. I didn't think so either!

Lindsay: um...what is R.I.C.E.-ing?? That whole ice bath thing freaks me out. I'm a cold-wimp.