Thank you to Valerie for passing me the Kreativ Blogger award. This award is pretty much the same as the others...which means you have to list seven things about yourself that people might not know. I'm not sure there are 7 things I can list that most of you don't already know...but for those of you are new out there...here we go.
1) I am an only child.
2) My new love is iTunes movie rentals. I can sit in bed after E is asleep, put in my headphones & catch up on some movies. I've sort of made it my Sunday treat, as I certainly cannot do this every night.
3) I am crazy nervous about the presentation I have to give next week @ work. I despise presentations. I'd rather rip my finger nails off (well, maybe).
4) I love to bake, but I'm not a fan of cooking.
5) I'm going to have to start staying up a lot later in order to catch up on my school reading. I'm so far behind...
6) Mondays & Fridays are my favorite days right now because those are the days when I am home with E.
7) I was quite happy completing my 3.1 mile run tonight, even though it was with shin splint pain THE ENTIRE TIME.
I'm not big on picking people for awards, so if you want it, grab it. Have fun!
My connection is HORRIBLE today, so this is my third attempt at commenting on this. So if you already got the other two, sorry!!
Congrats on the award!! Def extremely worthy of it!! Im so glad your run was better!! Good luck on your presentation hopefully it will be less painful then pulling your fingernails out!!
I love to bake, too! My husband calls me a Master Baker. He thinks he is funny.
Way to go on the good run! I love it when I have a good running day! Don't give up. You are on the brink of breaking through on this whole running thing!
Woo to baking!!
BOO to cooking! :P
You rock, btw!
What's the best movie you've watched so far? With your "iTunes treat," I mean. Not, like *ever*. LOL
4) I love to bake, but I'm not a fan of cooking.
Oh and GLAD you ran, alrhough you were in pain.
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