~got back into town on Friday evening. E and I hung out @ mom's and had pizza for dinner with them since O was working late. we finally got home around 8:15pm.
Have a great weekend!!
~upon arrival in Atlanta, we made a very necessary stop @ Archiver's (a scrapbooker's dream store) where I spent far less than I thought I would have. Only $40. Good for the budget though. From there we proceeded directly to Zoo Atlanta. Fun times were had by all. Here's a pic to prove it: 
~on Friday we enjoyed seeing the Coca Cola Museum. they have a 4D movie with moving seats. Unfortunately though, I had a non-moving seat next to a certain someone's stroller. I about had a coronary when we first arrived as E decided he was going to make crazy amounts of noise and well, be a 15 month old boy I suppose. thankfully he quickly got over that. we had taken him to Centennial Park prior to going to the Coca Cola Museum so I was hoping he would totally konk out, but that SO did not happen.
~after the museum we went back to the hotel to check out and then proceed on to Ikea. What a dreamland. I could have spent a fortune there, but I didn't. I will definitely go back and get some cute things for E's room as he grows. So fun.
~an interesting little tid bit that I learned on this trip. I had just introduced E to the sippy cups with straws on Wednesday and so en route to Atlanta @ one of our 'pit stops' I was shocked to see that he had drenched his diaper, ultimately exceeding it's capactity and therefore soaking through his shorts. This was only 1 hour into the trip. WTH? I quickly realized that he is chugging his juice and water now with the straw. It makes sense though - since I've belonged to Weight Watchers a gazillion times, they always encourage members to drink the gallons of water with a straw since it goes down quicker/easier. Yep and the same goes for little boys and their straw cups.
~because E wanted to really make me work. he over-peed his diaper on the way back too...actually while we were at Ikea. I'm telling ya' he had JUST been changed about 1 hour prior, so apparently he does all his peeing within a 15 minute timespan. Great! Fun times ahead I am sure.
~we were also going to stop @ Ulta 3 on the way home but my mom and her husband couldn't seem to figure out where in the heck we were and when they realized that we were probably 10 minutes north of the store, her husband refused to go back. Turd!
~So now it's Saturday and E and I have run some errands which apparently tired him out because he has been napping for about 90 minutes. Yay. I think he has officially transitioned to one long nap per day - that works for me.
~there's nothing like a Social Security Earnings Statement arriving in the mail to send you into a deep depression...especially when it reminds you that you made $46k LESS last year than the year prior. Yeah, that was very uplifting.
Have a great weekend!!
ETA: how could I forget to mention the hotel bed. Oh my gosh - the bed @ this Marriott hotel was pure and simple HEAVEN. E and I had a King size all to ourselves and oh the pillows, the pillows on this dreamy bed - it was like the icing on the cake. We both slept 'til almost 8am and he only woke one time during the night (miracle bed!). I was seriously considering (still am) taking up full time residence there...maybe I could just work there in exchange for a room. When I mentioned my deep love for the bed & pillows to my mom, she answered "they sell them"...oh now more than ever do I wish I had a "real" job!!!!
If you have the chance to stay @ a Marriott hotel, I HIGHLY recommend it. The only reason I was able to stay @ such a 'fancy' (for me) hotel was because mom's hubby paid - Mother's Day gift. Sweet!!!
Looks like you guys had fun! Gotta love the diaper soak through accidents...why do they always happen right away? You would think it would be after a few hours? I think kids just like to mess with us sometimes!
Such a cute pic! Okies, off I go, hockey game is back on! ;) Go Wings!
Sounds like you had a good time on your little get-away. E looks like he loved the zoo.
Is E a little uncertain in that photo or is he just trying to escape & chase goats? =)
Dawn-he was totally uncertain, he would hardly touch the goats. This was his 3rd time @ a petting zoo too.
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