Sunday, May 31, 2009

a whole bunch of nothing

~while E and I were out running errands on Saturday, I noticed a guy standing on the corner holding a HUGE sign about a furniture store closeout. Now, I see these signs around here ALL.THE.TIME. and frankly, I just don't get it. Is this really a wise way of spending advertising dollars? If you work in or have studied Advertising, please let me know. I am truly curious. I've lived in many other places, including larger cities and yet have never seen this form of advertising least not in THIS day and age.

~every Summer I am grossly reminded of the fact that I completely picked the WRONG city to move to. how is it that the closest MLB park is 3 hours away. completely unacceptable! I am used to going to no less than 5 MLB games per year and well, in the past 3 years I have been to ONLY 1 GAME. that's just not right. time to move!

~is there anything worse than running out JUST for a SBUX Chai and then getting the worst made Chai EVER. Yes, I went through the drive thru and didn't want the hassle of getting back in line. SO infuriating.

~I'm considering doing another giveaway. I have some cute summer-themed clear stamps and then I recently made a few little 3x3 'books' - they turned out really cute, if I do say so myself.

~If you are looking for a book to read, I HIGHLY recommend reading "The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes" - I just started it on Thursday night (in super comfy Marriott hotel bed) and am already 200 pages in - which is RARE for me to read so fast. I've been staying up WAY TOO late every night so I can get a good chunk of reading in.

~On Saturday E and I just happened to be in the same neighborhood as Best Buy - what a coincidence - I was summoned to go in, I could not help it. I left with this: *smile*
I love it already. Very easy to use and lots of fun.


Heidi Renée said...

Seriously, it is NOT HARD to make a chai. Heat the milk, pour it into a cup, pump in the flavored syrup, done. I have no patience for incompetent baristas. I was one--it is NOT a difficult job. Ugh.

k said...

Heidi-tell me about it!! I was a SBUX Barista for a little over a year as well - and I get the ICED Chai so they don't even have to heat anything - WTH? It's SO frustrating. And for $4/each I should have turned around to get a new one.

Nichole M said...

1. We have these guys on almost all of our street corners advertising apartments.

2. If you can get to so cal, you've got an Angels game waiting.

emilysuze said...

I was planning on hitting up B&N tomorrow for some new fun books for Baby P and now I think I'll have to get a book for myself as well! Sounds v. interesting.

Optimistic Pessimist said...

Congrats on your new purchase.

I love it when a book I'm reading is so good, I stay up late and have to force myself to put it down.

WarriorHeartGypsySoul said...

Nice new camera!!! Now we know you have one, you better start posting pics! haha

k said...

Keke-oh it's just a video camera...i'm still longing for the Canon SLR...

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I totally don't get the sign holding thing, either.

And, we have a flip and I love it!

Anonymous said...

They do the sign holding thing here in Michigan too. I see "WE BUY GOLD" and "CLOSEOUT MATTRESS SALE" and "EVERYTHING MUST GO" all the time. Plus they do them for pizza places and one chicken place does it too. They make their sign holder wear a chicken suit - seriously.

cool new toy!

msprimadonna67 said...

Hubby just bought one of those this weekend, too, and he's having so much fun with it! (Best Buy is his kryptonite, just like Target is mine.)

Brandi said...

The sign holding mode of advertisement is RAMPANT in the Tampa area. Lots of the sign holders dress in costumes. Sometimes it's quite entertaining. But it's awfully mind-boggling as well.

~**Dawn**~ said...

Brandi is so right. There are sign-holders everywhere down here. For everything. Home builders. Cell phones. Pizza places. You name it, someone is out there on the street, dancing to their iPod with a sign in hand.

Speaking of "down here" & moving closer to baseball... ;-) We may not have an *outdoor* ball field locally (unless you hit up the minor league games! and Spring Training!) but we do have an MLB field... and the tickets are dirt cheap compared to many... and if you don't want to root for the Rays, you can go cheer on the visiting teams. LOL! Just sayin. ;-)