Tuesday, May 26, 2009

really? really?

While I can appreciate what this is saying,
I have a REALLY hard time believing it.

And I apologize now as I saw this on a blog a few weeks ago and now cannot remember on who's blog....sorry! If it was yours, let me know and I'll gladly give you credit.


Moonjava said...

I hope this cheers you up! ;) Just think, the Wings are kicking some young Hawks' butts!

I have an award for you at my blog! :)

Marla said...

i'm with you on this one...

Amy said...

Interesting, indeed!

naqiubex said...

Oh really.. so i'm not ready..? hehe
cool phrase

Ella Preuss said...

I think it's true, why don't you?

Optimistic Pessimist said...

I don't believe in stuff like this...no offense to people that do. As human beings we need to rationalize and justify everything...and this is just a way to rationalize why we aren't getting something we want.

I read a blog about a lady who has been trying to conceive for years upon years. She wants a baby more than anything and would give anything to have a baby, she's been ready for years..so tell me is she just infertile because she's not ready for a baby??? This saying would be a slap in the face to her.

Sorry for the mini-rant.

Fidgeting Gidget said...

I agree with you, I don't think I believe this either.....I think that was said by someone with a complex.

Anyway, I shared a post...can you see me now? It says on my reader that I am sharing with you and you're sharing with me, so it should work, yes?

k said...

Yay-Gidget..yes, we are now sharing. Awesome!!

k said...


Ranting is ok here - no worries.

Beatriz said...

I have only one thing to say to that -- UGH.

Really, do there have to be silver linings to everything? Can't we just be miserable sometimes? I agree with Fidgeting Gidget!

~**Dawn**~ said...

If I had read that quote 3 years ago, I might have punched my computer screen. Sometimes that may be very true but other times? Not so much. And where I was three years ago was *not* one of the times that it was true. =P