~it took 90 minutes for E to finally fall asleep.
~about 30 minutes in, he was chucking things out of his crib. that at least provided me with some much needed comic relief.
~about 40 minutes in he threw up, purely from crying and being upset. poor guy. that made me feel like complete crap.
~he slept from 10pm-2:15am. I slept from 12am-2:15am.
~I don't feel like there was much progress in the sleeping as he has been waking up promptly @ 2am in my bed for eons. I'm trying to be patient though, it was only the first night.
~he didn't fall back asleep until 4:30am. it took TWO hours to get him back to sleep...definitely no progress there. He slept 'til 6am and got him out of the crib. he is normally up at 6:30am on my workdays anyway. it will be interesting to see how much he sleeps today. i warned the babysitter than his schedule will probably be all over the place today.
~last night in an email, a friend told me that the Almanac signs are good for weaning right now, whether it's boob, bottle, pacifier etc. While I found that absolutely hysterical and almost fell out of my chair, I did try to find some comfort in it as well. Let's hope that Almanac signs are even better today.
~i hope tonight is better.
~if not, i'm going to be zombie-like come Wednesday.
Hope it goes better.
Maybe you can try to tackle one problem at a time, first do the middle of the night waking, then do the weaning? That's a lot to handle at one time.
Good luck.
Look at the bright side...it can only get better from here..right?
You made it through Day 1!!! The hardest part is over.. don't give up!
Oh I sure am hoping the hardest part is over and that things get better/easier tonight.
I hope your day gets better and that tonight works out better than last.
At least the Almanac is on your side! :) Good luck with night #2 tonight.
You're starting to scare me a bit!! Okay not really...it must be like labor...not so fun, but in the end everybody gets through it and is happy in the end1!
Glad you made it through night one!!!
Glad you made it through the first night, its gotta be the hardest!! Good luck!
You can do it!! Its worth it, and it will get better!!
"You can do it!" Good luck tonight. You're doing great!
oh geez!!! that is shitty.... im glad u made it through the first night though!
I hope The nights of crying will pass quickly. Hang in there!
I really hope it gets easier, we are approaching this time soon and I am dreading it.
Good luck!
You can do it and good luck!!
we always experience that, and sometimes we want to give up but we have no choice except to look at the brighter side, this wont happen all the time, that's a bit of a consolation.
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