~3.52 is my longest run so far. I know it's really not *that* long, but for me it is....and it's hard to take up more time on the treadmill while O does a half-assed job of watching E (another story for another day). So I guess in order to run more miles, I'm going to have to up my speed, which I'm hoping happens naturally. I've already increased my speed somewhat from when I started. I also signed up for another 5k race today. It will be held on 8.29.09.

~I'm slacking a bit on the Te Amo Tuesday thing. I enjoy putting those together but I struggle to come up with a theme for each week. How about you start requesting a theme and then I'll put the lesson together? That way at least I know you are getting information that you actually WANT.
~I found a TON of awesome running blogs last night, women who are more closely in line with my running level, well and some way ahead of me too. So exciting. I can share the links if you are interested. Just let me know.
~Speaking of blogs. For those who are new here, I had 2 previous blogs, both of which I (impulsively) deleted due to nasty commenters and getting upset about them since I have a tendency to be a mush. Well, anyway, I started researching whether they are truly deleted and am trying to find a way to "re-vive" them. I would really love to have all those posts back, I'm talking all the way back to 2004. So far everything I've found on Blogger and related blog sites has not worked. BooHoo! Apparently none of my posts were ever indexed via Google, so I am unable to pull them that way. I have a note into Blogger to see if they really and truly are gone forever...waiting on their reply. I'm losing hope. :( If you know of any tricks, please do let me know.
~And because just about everyone has mentioned Michael Jackson on their blog. Here is my two cents. He was a mega-freak and I don't care how good his music was/is. Yes, I had a poster of him in my room when I was, oh I dunno 10 years old maybe, but for me his freakiness trumps his music. I'm sick of hearing about it in the news. Moving on...
~the best news all week. I'm playing 'hooky' tomorrow. Yep, calling in sick. Shhhh, don't tell!! Class starts back up next week and so I'll need to work all the hours I can then, so this is my last chance 'til August to take a little mental-health break. E and I are planning to go play @ this fun little kids gym (not the Little Gym) at 10:30am. After that, we may hit up ChickFila and then home for a nap. :)
~and since this is a randomness post...why do they fill up those fruit cups so full that when you take the plastic top off, the juice inevitably spills out? It's just as annoying as the 'exploding' yogurt containers too. Ugh!