~why as soon as I make myself a pb&j sandwich does E fill up his diaper with a gross amount of nastiness that inevitably will get on my hands and never feel like it's completely gone no matter how many times I wash them. ick!
~on days that I am at home I prefer to run during the day as opposed to waiting for O to get home and doing my run @ night. I just want to get the run done and get on with my day. well, if E doesn't cooperate and take his nap then i'm screwed. he is so difficult to GET TO SLEEP, but once he's asleep, I can get on the treadmill, which is in my bedroom (where he is also sleeping) and it doesn't wake him up. crazy!!
~i have a really good friend here locally. she is one of the moms in our playgroup. i really enjoy talking to her and she is the one that I feel closest too and we often get the kids together outside of playgroup. the thing is that I can never just call her for a "quick question or issue" - she talks and talks and talks and well, you get the picture. I don't think there has been a phone call with her that has been less than 30 minutes. the problem is that i'm not big on spending that kind of time on the phone. i also don't have that kind of time. one day I returned her call when E went down for a nap. i was unable to get anything done because she kept talking until he woke up. wth? how does that happen? it's really hard to even butt in and say 'ok, well I gotta run' and i'm not good @ that either, it feels so rude to do. so, i've taken the other route...avoiding her calls unless i'm terribly bored or just happen to have the time. i've also had to resort to calling her from the car since E is 'contained' at that time. ok...just had to vent that.
~I hate giving up on books, but I had to do it..I just couldn't get into The Toss of a Lemon. It sounded so good, but was moving WAY too slow for me. I have moved on to a much better (chick-lit) read - The Bright Side of Disaster and I'm already 50 pages in and it's very enjoyable!
~I just tried that Zemanta thing for enhancing your blog posts. I wasn't too impressed with it while creating this post. don't think i'll be using it,
Have fun seeing Up! Let us know how it is, I really want to see it! I hope you and O can have fun being out together, too. :)
I have a friend who talks to me on the phone like that....it's ridiculous. I don't mind talking on the phone, but when they just WON'T STOP TALKING, it is hard to try to figure out a way to get out of it. Maybe use the excuse that E has just gotten into something and you have to go....or that you're going deaf in one ear, ha. :)
Gidget-Ha!! I'm going to try the going deaf in one ear excuse...maybe that will work. LOL!!
Heh. I am notorious for starting a phone call with "I'm just about to run out the door but I had to ask you a quick question..." and that leaves me free to say "ok thanks! I really have to run!" as soon as I get an answer--and then I feel less rude about cutting things short, because hey, the warning was given. ;-)
You just made me wonder (again) something I haven't thought of in ages: after all those years doing daycare, how will I ever (if necessary) change a diaper without latex gloves?! LOL
I really want to see Up...I've heard nothing but good things!!
I know what you mean about the friend who just will not shut up. Every time I get caught like that I just plug in my headset and start doing other stuff. Why waste time just sitting there?
Enjoy Up!, my sister saw it last week on movie night with her husband too! She said it was super cute and a little sad at times but overall cute and funny! Have fun!
have fun go see it,lol.i hope E would cooperate.
I'm so jealous - I want to see UP! too, but my guys won't go with me and somehow it just doesn't seem right going it alone. Oh well - Transformers 2 will be out next week and I can guarantee they will want to see that one. Have fun!
Can't wait to hear your review of UP! :) I know how much you've been wanting to see it! BF and I saw it in 3D also!
Hope you have a GREAT night! :)
OOOooo!!! I want to see up really badly too!!! If the kids havent seen it when I go home 4th of july weekend BBB and I will have to take them.
I have a friend who is super duper long winded too. And sometimes I wonder if I'm that friend... :-)
Hope all is well!! I'm ssoooooo busy at ft. jackson I cannot post yet, but I hope to this weekend.
i hope you enjoy(ed) up. i loved that movie. catherine and i saw it on her birthday and both loved it for very different reasons. it is by far the funniest of all the movies done by disney/pixar when it comes to the adult humor!
I was wondering about that Zementa thing...glad to hear your thoughts on it:))
A movie? Like in the theater? What is that? I have no idea!
Looks like the header fit perfectly:)
I loved the movie. It was super cute and yes, it does have a couple sad parts in it, but it's still great.
Krystyn-I had to go to the theater because I was beginning to forget what it was like. cannot recall last movie I have been to.
That is so crazy that you can run on the treadmill and E sleeps through it. Baby P wakes up if I take the laptop into the bedroom and start typing...your boy rocks!
1) Up scared the shit out of my kid, and I had to take her out to pizza the shake the tension out of her.
2) I am one of those people who will talk your ear off on the phone: I know who I am, and I don't mind at all when people interrupt me and say they have to go. Sometimes I ignore them, but most of the time I say ok, bye!
3) Is there a way to password protect a blog entry on blogger? My mother in law gives me such excellent material and I can't use it lest she find me out.
4) totally impressed by your running.
I used to hate changing diapers and feeling like I could never get my hands clean enough afterwards....yuck!
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