Giveaway Includes:
~4 packages of Summer-Themed small stamps with a clear acrylic block.
~3 handmade mini books 3x3 in size. great for carrying in your purse/bag/pocket to jot down quick notes or add some of your favorite pictures.
Gain entries the same way as last time:
1) leave a comment...about anything, however running tips or good running SONGS are encouraged. witty banter is good too. :)
2) leave a separate comment stating you follow this blog or subscribe and leave a comment stating such.
3) Twitter about the giveaway
4) Post the giveaway on your blog
Please leave a separate comment for each entry you make. If you Twitter or Post on your blog about the giveaway, please include those links.
Giveaway is Monday only. I will generate a winner by and sorry I am not tech-savvy enough to post the screen shot. If you know how, let me know and I'll do it.
Thank you and good luck!!
Yeay, I'm so glad you had a great day and the sand and sea play table does look amazing :)
The mini notebooks are lovely!
I agree the mini notebooks are adorable! :)
I'll play.
Yes I do follow your blog on my google reader! :)
And I twittered.
Super cute notebooks!! And your MINI looks great!!!! I love love love her!!
So glad to see that you're feeling better! I just left some running music suggestions in your post below. :) And you got some AMAZING yard sale bargains the other day. Way to go!
Oh, and as you know I am a follower.
I also just tweeted the link to this giveaway post. :)
What an awesome giveaway! I suggest Starry Eyed Surprise from Oakenfold or anything by Rage Against the Machine.
You KNOW I follow you! You're in my Google reader and besides who else can share stories about the Brooks on Preston?
Ok, I just Twittered you using
You already have my favorite running song, "Don't Stop Believing." But I also enjoy me some Justin Timberlake when I'm out and about. :)
I don't Twitter, so you'll have to be satisfied with me just following your blog. Fun times. :)
For some fun running songs, I turn to oldies like Fighter by Christina Aguilera or newbies like Boom Boom Pow by Black Eyed Peas...a few of my fav songs!
Oh and to do a screen shot: press Alt=Print Screen|System Request button (usu. in the top right of the keyboard)
Oh, that is some cute stuff.
And, witty banter? Running...totally sucks.
But, I like to exercise (when I actually do) to Franz Ferdinand lately.
Ok, so I've been keeping up with your tweets on your running excursions! And you need to step back from the 80s songs and choose Madonna instead! LOL. I know, I know... really? But Madonna is great running music. :)
Yay for your giveaway!! :)
I follow, yes I do!
Good running music...I'm embarassed to say I have "me so horny" on my list LOL! It takes me to a time when life was simple. I always enjoy my runs with oldies!
Glad your weekend was so much fun! May I suggest "The Killers" for some good running music? I have them on my smart phone and even when just walking I find myself keeping pace with their music tons of fun! Sam's Town their second CD has faster music than the first one or the third.
I love those little notebooks you made! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Yes, the mini does take a while to get started.. Shes just trying to motivate you and keep you on your toes. I am sure it has to do with how many runs in a row you have completed. I havent been as consistant and my mini gets back to her paddle ball and video games in almost No time!!! Just keep it up and she will be hurdeling in NO TIME!!! Great job!! 5k will be an easy day!!
Oh I love stationary...!
Running songs..I have a ton but can't really remember anything. I like songs that have running mentioned in them. One I really like is read to run by the dixie chicks.
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