Apparently this award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

So the 8 bloggers I choose to pass this on to are:
1) Dawn - has to have the #1 spot because she is the blog friend I have known the longest and I cherish our friendship dearly. :) Now if I could only get to FL!!!
2) Extranjera - she's friendly & her blog is a RIOT to read. Check her out!!
3) Senorita Andaluciana - has lived in a US/Mexico border town AND speaks Spanish. No further explanation needed.
4) Jessi - she told me about the Nike+ gadget which in turn has motivated me 10-fold with regards to running. Thank you!
5) The Optimistic Pessimist - I see a great friendship forming here.
6) If It's a Hero That You Want, I Can Save You - a fellow runner, although side-lined temporarily...I know she'll be back and we'll be motivating each other to keep on running!
7) More Than Me - Emily, a fellow new mom and her blog posts are wonderful and keep me coming back! Hopefully she'll move back to FL in time for my future visit there.
8) Brandi at Living & Loving in Tampa - not only a great blogging friend, but a great Twitter-er as well. Hope she's STILL in FL when I make it down there.
I would also like to thank Fidgeting Gidget for the following award. There are no rules or requirements on this one, so it's just there to look pretty!! :)

You gals are just TOO generous!! Thank you for thinking of me.
I'm going to pretend that you never link to me because I am private!
Amy-you are absolutely correct. I would gladly pass you both of these awards though if you'd like to add them to your site!
Congrats on the award! :) first ever blog award. Yay! :)
Awww... Thank you! Right back at ya. =)
I just saw your twitter about graham crackers and butter. And I thought my step-mom was weird for eating Wheat Thins and butter... ;)
Heehee, I just basically made you say that, ha! I'm so self-centered. And I so need to figure out how to make a blog header like that. Mine is in transition, and I spend enough time on the internet when babies *ahem* may need my attention already to try and figure it out.
Congrats again! The blog header is great very timely. tis the season for Fl, Disney and summer places. It seems your are getting there!
Good luck!
Thank you so much! You are awesome! Definitely hoping we can continue to be blogger friends! :) And we will both run that 1/2 marathon that we so desperately want! I know we can do it! :)
Congrats on your rockin awards.
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