~E and I were up early and headed out to a neighborhood yard sale with my mom. We really never do this so I was pretty excited.
~I scored this $80.00 wagon for $18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!

~and then I got this Leap Pad toy for only $1.50 - It plays super cute music, reads to E and he loves it. Score!

~also got a few books for E. at this rate he'll be able to open his own library by the time he is 3. :)
~after the yard sale and a stop @ Kroger, mom and I sunned ourselves a bit while E played on the back porch. He LOVES to be outside.
~later as E and I were leaving to do the rest of the grocery shopping @ WM, I was surprised to see a humongous box @ my front door. It was this...

~I was VERY surprised to see that it had arrived. I just ordered it on Thursday morning...from Amazon. I love love love Amazon. Way too much actually.
~I tried really hard to put it together before O got home but the legs had to screw into the table with some monstrous 9 inch metal screws and I just couldn't do it. Boo! Amazingly though, O finished putting it together when he got home from work and E LOVED it. He was soaking wet and covered in sand before heading for the bathtub tonight. I can't wait to watch him play in it tomorrow. For some (insane) reason, I thought he'd actually keep the sand in the sand side and water in the water side. Sometimes I'm really stupid.
~obviously E and I spent a TON of time in the backyard today and it was a blast. I loved it. He loved it. I even pulled 124942958448572486584 weeds and am slowly getting happier with the way my backyard is looking. the grass still looks like crap, but at least the landscaping 'project' that O started 3 summers ago is getting closer to completion. it's not even a big project. need say no more.
~about 2 months ago O planted a garden. so far we have corn and radishes coming in. none edible quite yet, but at least they are growing. for some reason, unknown to me, he planted tomato SEEDS instead of PLANTS. there is nothing showing yet. I decided to pick up some plants @ WM today and so now we have 3 beautiful tomato plants that will hopefully yield a plethora of tomatoes this Summer. maybe i'll have enough to make truckloads of salsa. yum!
~did I mention how much I love that little Sand & Sea Play Table? Oh my gosh. I was SO excited when I ordered it. slight indulgment. but SO worth it.
~i was running out of time today and realized that I had yet to do my 2 mile run. i took yesterday off so I absolutely HAD to run tonight. I was playing around with iTunes and some Journey/Steve Perry just "hit the spot" - I loaded them up on my iPod, plugged in and got on the treadmill. What a great run. It seemed a bit easier than the last run, so hopefully I'm making progress. I'm doing the Couch to 5k plan and started @ Week 4 since it was the most similar to what I was running previously. After tonight's run though I concluded that I am in desperate need of new running shoes. I know I have exceeded the mileage on the current pair. my feet have been achey and sore after my last couple runs and I never had this problem before.
~I'm contemplating setting a goal for myself to run the Komen 5k - it's October 24th. Normally I wouldn't balk at setting the goal, but I feel like I have stopped & started this running plan a bazillion times since E was born. I want to stick to it, but when I don't see or feel changes, I get frustrated and quit. Or when I have major drama in the house, I get frustrated and quit. I will AT LEAST walk the 5k, but I would much rather run. It's sort of becoming a tradition for my mom and I to participate in it. I will wear my grandma's name on my back. I love and miss her terribly. I wish she would have lived to see Ethan, but then again I took FOREVER to have him, didn't I? She's been gone almost 15 years already. I remember her last day as if it were yesterday. tangent.
~random fact: I love marashino cherries. I could eat an entire jar in one sitting (if no one was looking and I was not trying to eat healthy). Right now my little sweet treat is to add a few to my diet orange soda along with just a few cherries. So so good.
~and lastly, the Red Wings are winning Game 5 with a score of 5-0. Woot!
I love your blog. just found it via Megsthreads. I especially love your heading fonts!
Oh, Red Wings. That game made my whole weekend!
1) Have been checking your blog for a new post all day. Can I say cyber-stalker? :)
2) Love, love, love the sea and sand table! Can't wait til Baby P is older and I can get more neat things for him.
3) Think your goal for the 5K is amazing! Have you seen the new New Balance shoes that are supporting breast cancer? I'm a huuuuuge fan of NB for running and the shoes are all pink and cute for a cause.
Can't believe you got a Leap pad for only $1.50... that actually works!
I love your Sand and Sea table, too. What is the cut off age recommendation? Do you think 17 is too old? Dang it! Maybe I'll buy one for future grandchildren (but I DO NOT want them yet - just saying).
And congrats to you for running! I just ran my 4th 5K in 5 weeks (ugh!) and I still can't run the whole thing. But I am getting better at the running thing. And the 5Ks seem to keep me motivated.
SewHum-thanks for stopping by.
Heidi-YES! Go Wings!!!
Emily-Parker is so darn cute. I have to check out those NB pink shoes. Oh my!! I'm a NB girl when it comes to running shoes too.
Gaston-me too. so excited with my yard sale finds.
Beth-IMO there is NO age limit on that Sand & Sea Table...you know darn well I'll be playing in it. LOL!! Pre-baby I was doing a lot of 5ks as well - yes, they do help keep you motivated.
YOU CAN DO IT!!! Setting the goal to run that 5K is a GREAT idea!! I am sure you can pull it off. I have been running for years (not very fast or very far or anything) but I have managed to convince myself that I love it. I use the Nike + with my ipod and its great motivation. You dont even have to wear nikes to use it, you can get this lil rubber basket to hold your sensor in. You can even post a Nike + Mini Me to your blog!! My husband and I have ours on our blog, they are kinda cute and totally heckle you if you slack off. (Mine has been heckling me alot lately) Anyway, Good luck with your 5K!! It'll be great!!!
yay for a great day all around! good luck on the 5k!
Looks like a banner day at the garage sale! Love it when that happens.
So GLAD this is a happy post so happy that you had some fun at the garage sale and playing with E seems like things are better :) its refreshing love it
I'm sooo glad you finally had a good day!!!
Excellent yard sale finds!
We have a water table. My son loves it.
Glad you finally had a good day! The toys you got E look awesome.
Also that's great that you're planning to run a 5K..best of luck with you're training!
i am happy to see you happy, i can see E is done with weaning, and well the toys are cute and mind you so cheap, and oh yes! still have time for yourself. nice to hear this good news.
So happy for you ~ it sounds like you had an awesome day! Not sure if it's your style, but one of my favorite songs when I'm on the treadmill is "Float On" by Modest Mouse. I also like The Killers. If you search for running playlists on iTunes, you'll find a lot of cool stuff also! :)
Super score on the wagon! You know I haven't found anything good lately around here.
Wow!! Major score this past weekend! I can almost see you slapping yourself on the head over thinking the water & sand wouldn't get mixed. Heh. ;-) Boys.
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