~i'm slightly nervous mostly because i've been suffering from some crazy shin splits in my left leg. a hard-core runner friend of mine told me to rest Sat & Sun, so I did. Now I feel like a blob and cannot wait to get back on the treadmill tonight. I sure hope it's not a difficult run, but I suspect that it may be.
~i have been doing all of my runs at a 1% incline as I read that it would make transitioning to outdoor running a bit easier. I then recently read that those who train on slanted surfaces are more susceptible to shin splits. So there ya' have it...I'm no longer running at a 1% incline. Sadly, my last run was really not that much easier w/o the incline and I was really hoping it would be. *sigh* And I still had shin split pain during the run.
~so of the seven 5k races that I've done (all in 2005 & 2006), my PR is 35:11. Yes, I'm a slow runner. I really, really, really want to beat that on Friday, but I'm thinking that may be an unrealistic goal. Regardless I will certainly shoot for beating it and try really hard to NOT be upset if I don't make it. This is definitely the hardest (most consistently) I've 'trained' and now I sort of feel side-lined a bit with the shin split pain.
~I was blog-surfing on Sunday night and browsing a bunch of runner's blogs...well, it seems that ALL of the ones I was finding are people who have done 8 gazillion marathons already and are far, far ahead of me in the running world. I even found a gal (with pictures) who did the WDW 1/2 and full marathon (Goofy Challenge) back in 2008 as well as the Tower of Terror 13K....I was green with envy. I want to be there and I DOUBT myself DAILY that I'll ever get *that* good at running! I wish I had unlimited funds so I could do this race in the Fall. How fun would that be?!?!
~It's rather disheartening to read about all these people who have such a talent for running or that the running just seems to come so easy for them. I would love to be able to do races all the time and maybe someday I'll get there (hey, that sounds familiar) but for now I'm stuck with just 5k races and there are only two during the month of July in the immediate area. Boo!
~If you know of any blogs of beginner-runners...please send them my way.
~I'm also taking suggestions for pre-race preparation. I plan to eat a VERY lite dinner which will include a banana & maybe some Gatorade. I think my last run prior to the race will be on Wednesday night. What do you think? Sound good?
Ice those shins girl!!! Get some of those squishy packs that you can refreeze and make sure you are stretching (do the circles with your feet, I hear they are good for shin splints). Also, Arnica Gel will be your best friend, best thing on earth for soreness, you can buy it at GNC. Last day of running on Wens is a great idea. I would still do a little walk or something on thursday. Super hydrate and also take Glutamine if you are sore, it is an amino acid that breaks down the lactic acid in your muscles. Years of running and riding made me a true believer in super hydration, arnica and glutamine!!!
Your doing GREAT!!!
Oh, I almost forgot!!! SHOES SHOES SHOES!!! Go to your local RUNNING store and have your shoes checked. If you are wearing the wrong shoes your legs and knees will suffer. Make sure they specialize in running, it will make the biggest difference!!!
Jessi-thanks! I need to get some of that Arnica Gel. I will ice the shins after my run tonight. As for shoes, I have brand new New Balance that they 'fitted' for me a couple weeks ago. They have seemed to be fine as the shin splints started up about a week ago. I think part of it is that I'm carrying a lot more weight this time around than I was when I was running back in 05 and 06.
Good luck! I admire you for being so focused and persistent with this...I wish I could be, especially with something fitness-related! I know you're going to do GREAT!
Congratulations on being so dedicated! Regardless of how well you do, you should be proud of yourself of doing it at all. That said, you are going to do well.
Good luck! And no boo, this gives your body a chance to recover and time to train as well so that you can up the ante for the next one! I find the fact that you're even doing this amazing!
Congratulations for getting back into running marathons. Whether you finish first or last makes no difference--it's just awesome that your dedicated enough to make it to the finish-line.
If it makes you feel any better, I'm green with envy reading about your preparation for your marathon!! I wish I could get my mojo back and at the very least start exercising!! YOU keep up the good work, and you probably did need a rest!!! Good luck on Friday!
That's great! Good luck! The only thing I can recommend is ice for this shins. I wouldn't run on Wed or thursday, but I would definitely make it a point to keep stretching during those days. Again, good luck!
I'm so glad you found something you enjoy doing!! You definitely deserve some "me time"!!!
If it makes you feel any better, I suck at running and I have been fairly athletic my whole life. I am sure if I trained for months, you would still beat my time. I am not rail thin and don't have long legs and have always had a big chest which I think slow me down. I think it is admirable that you are doing this, I don't even think I could do what you have done! Good for you for trying!
No real words of wisdom when it comes to running, but it sounds like you are doing everything you need to be doing and are setting yourself up for success!
Can't wait to hear about night racing!
I am a SLOW runner! I've been running for about 6 weeks and my best 5K time is 38:21. So there. You've beat me.
I'm running another 5K on the 4th of July. And I haven't run in 4 days because I took time off at the beach to return to rain, rain, rain. And the heat and humidity has been tremendous.
I think of you when I run. And I'll think of you for your upcoming 5K. I haven't had shin splints - so no idea of what to do. Keep running! I'm seriously considering the 1/2 marathon at Disney and I'd love to run with you.
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Good for you! I think you're doing great! You inspire me to want to run. I think I might try to find a 5K and enter my hubby and I!!
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