~Well, I did it!!! Yesterday I registered for Disney's Princess 1/2 Marathon next March!!! While I'm crazy excited, I'm also a tad bit nervous. Hopefully as I get more running experience under my belt, the nerves will subside.
~I was anxious to register because I don't want the race to fill and miss out completely and also, it's a great way to keep me running. After forking over $140 (race & the commemorative pin) I'll surely stay true to that commitment.
~The dilemma now is deciding which resort to stay at. It's between the two listed over there to your right. Please take a look at each of them-they are fairly similar-and place your vote for which one you think we should stay at. And by "we", I mean: Chele, Optimistic Pessimist & Rachel. Dawn & Brandi said they'll be there to cheer us on too. Jessi will be there in spirit, since the government has decided that they want her in Africa in March 2010...boo!! And Beth, I haven't forgotten that you mentioned being somewhat interested in joining the party!! If anyone else is interested in joining our crazy GIRLS WEEKEND, please do. The more, the merrier.
~And on another bright note, after way, way too many months (more than 1 year) to count, I finally ordered/purchased the Canon Digital SLR I've been wanting. Don't get me wrong, I'm still flat-broke (practically), but I do have a little fund that I had been contributing to back when I had a (real) job and well, I decided that it was just time to dip into that to pay for both the camera and the race. And well, I freakin' deserve it & that's the bottom line.
~I haven't felt this happy in a long time. It feels good.
~Oh...and tonight @ 9pm EDT I am running my 1st 5k race in 3 years. Wish me luck. I really, really, really want to set a new personal best. (wishful thinking...maybe?)
That is awesome! Signing up for the half marathon AND ordering the Canon Rebel (which is the camera I saved for last year and I LOVE it!)!
I need to go ahead and make the decision. I've been talking with my husband and he has been encouraging. And I think you are right. Once you put that kind of money down for a race, it does make you more determined.
Um, I seriously want to go. I think I'm going to have to talk to the Grouper about this one...providing I'm not super pregnant.
Yayyyy! So excited! :) I must be able to tell my *new* secret so that I might be able to start planning for this trip! UGH! I so cannot wait to (re)start training.
And I saw on Twitter last night that you bought that camera you've been wanting for so long! Good for you!! :) You deserve it! :)
I was MIA on Twitter last night cause I fell asleep kinda early, but GOOD LUCK at the race tonight! I'm sure you will kick butt! :)
whoo hoo! and nother whoo hoo!!!
You inspired me to want to do a half marathon. THere is one here in November that I'm thinking of doing - probably walking - but still! very cool. how did the 5k go??
Seriously. I am so jealous you are doing the Princess marathon. It has been a dream of mine.
Have a blast!
congrats and good luck!
Beth-I SO hope you can join us!!! I would love to meet you!! And run with you!!
FG-As much as I want you to get PG, because it's what you want, I really hope you can come to Florida with all of us!!
Rachel-SPILL!!! What secret?!?! Tell us!!!
Mary-glad to inspire.
RxBambi-Thank you!!
Good for you! I'm sure you'll be well prepared for the run by the time March rolls around.
Tons of great news! I'm super jealous that you're actually going to run in the 1/2 marathon, but I think I'm more jealous of the camera. :)
You totally rock!
Can't wait to hear how tonight's race goes and see the pictures!
I would seriously do the race if it wouldn't cost so much to fly out there. Oh that would be so much fun!
I'm so excited for you! You will do great! Good luck on your race tonight! You've been working ultra hard!!
Yay for the camera. You totally deserve it and I can't wait to see some pictures!!!! You have to treat yourself every once in awhile.
Good for you!!
Congrats on registering.
I can't wait to see your shots with the new camera.
I am SO excited!! I need to get a countdown onto the blog! We finally get to do WDW together!!
You guys are gona have such a BLAST at the 1/2 marathon!! Thats just great.
Congrats on the camera too!! I really need to get a new one before I go to Africa, I just dont know what to buy. It has to be pretty durable and inexpensive because theres a pretty good chance I will break it!!
Good luck tonight!! Your mini is gona go nuts!!! (hopefully mine will get off the couch after the 5k tomorrow)
Congratulations! I'm so excited for you - you certainly deserve all the good stuff coming your way. Good Luck tonight - you are going to do AWESOME! I've never thought of running a 1/2 marathon, but I might consider it - especially if it's WDW.
I haven't registered yet...now I'm getting freaked out that it will get filled. I need to make up my mind soon!!!
Congrats on registering! Proud of you! And hope you had fun with the 5K...
I just got back and I've realized that a 5 day break can result in 300+ posts to read...YIKES!
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