~i have a midterm tomorrow. we've only had 5 classes so far. that is SO weird.
~i made video #1 (of 2) on Monday. they dubbed it to a DVD for me. I got home. it wouldn't play on either of my computers. WTH? they re-dubbed to a new DVD yesterday. same problem. then I downloaded some VLC crap to be able play it on the computer. it played but not well. not well enough to play & pause repeatedly so that I can TRANSCRIBE the ENTIRE 25 minutes!!
~i put it on the DVD player last night. works perfectly, but that is such an inconvenience. if I could just play it on my computer...it would be so much easier.
~it took me more than 1 hour to transcribe 12 minutes last night. hoping to do other 12 minutes either tonight or Thursday. combine that with the fact that E was not cooperating in the sleep department last night.
~the video is due on Tuesday along with a 2-3 page analysis paper. I need to finish the transcription, obviously BEFORE I hand it in and then also do this paper. Ugh!!
~guess who got stuck doing a counseling role play yesterday with Ms. Excessive Self Disclosure? Yep, cuz that is my crap-luck.
~O has been out of town for work all week. that is both a relief and a burden. I have had to drive my sitter home everyday after work and it's one hour roundtrip (at least) and I ALWAYS get caught in the dreaded "rush hour" traffic.
~have I mentioned I've done very little studying for the midterm?!? I don't think it will be an awful exam, but I still don't feel prepared. at least I haven't missed 3 classes like some others.
~and then I absolutely HAVE to run tonight. I have a 5K on Saturday. I MUST beat my last time or I'll cry for days. I am leaving work early (3pm) today so I can get sitter home and then either study or work on transciption somewhat and hope E can play a little...even if it's just 15 minutes, it's better than nothing. I'm desperate. anyone want to come over and watch E for me?
~and lastly...i've had very little work to do here in my position since I started in January. well guess who just got a TON of 'tasks' dumped on her? i'm also still working on an insane database project that seems to have NO end. timing stinks.
~bright side: only 5 classes left. i will be at the beach in 17 days!
~so I better quit blogging and do my work...
Keep your chin up and keep looking for that silver lining! You'll rock the videos, I know it!
Wow, damn the luck on making the video with Ms. Excessive Self Disclosure, at least you wont have to worry about running out of material!! Or her not talking!!
I hope you find some time to study, I'm such a rock if I dont write things 100 times I never remember them. Maybe bring some flashcards on the treadmill or somthing.
Saturday will be great! Dont put too much pressure on yourself!
Rachel-thank you!!
Jessi-thank goodness the video is not with Ms. Excessive Self Disclosure, just a role play in class, but it was nearly as painful. Thank you!
Yes, I'll be right over to babysit. I'll hop on a plane and will be there in a few hours. Then we can go for a run and reward ourselves with margaritas afterwards!
OP-sweet!! We'll be anxiously awaiting your arrival. Bring F too, cuz I KNOW E would love the company!!
oh geez!! good luck on ur midterm and running!!!! keep the beach count down in ur mind!!
Found your site thru Because I Could Never Keep Up With a Diary, I love the design - you cover lots of great stuff, but keep it all organized, I LOVE it!
I hope you get that bath!
I maintain that you need to relocate to the central FL area. Preferably between Orlando & Tampa. Can I add to the existing bribes with babysitting? ;-)
OMG Excessive Self Disclosure. Y.U.C.K!
Barista-thank you for the well wishes!!
Andi-thanks for visiting. not sure what bath you are referencing, I took a shower this morning.
Dawn-i concur with the relocation and oooohhh babysitting...so desperately needed!!
Wow you've got a lot on your plate this week! J
ust keep chanting "five more classes, five more classes." Preferably out loud while little Miss Overshare can hear you, she'll think you've gone round the bend, and keep her mouth shut when near you so as not to set off a homicidal rage. Maybe. Hopefully. :)
Your beach vacation will be here before you know it--hang in there!
You'll be fine! Keep your eyes on the horizon and before you know it, your toes will be on the beach and this week will be a distant memory (just like Excessive Self Disclosure)...
You can't lose unless you give up! Stay strong!
I was a student and single mom forever. Stick with it, it will pass soon. Good luck!
Your going to do great! And it is TOUGH getting better time in this awful heat/humidity.
I'm pulling for you!
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