~i'm trying not to think about it much, but tonight begins the 3rd attempt at weaning E. I should be somewhat excited about it - or at least getting to the end result, but I'm dreading tonight. I must keep fresh in my mind that he has been waking 3-5 times per night EVERY night for the past week and AT LEAST one time per night since he was born and I cannot handle that any longer. I hope he gets the hang of it in 5 nights as mom's husband comes home on Friday and I'm sure O will be ready to sleep at home by then. I will be on Twitter tonight BIG TIME looking for moral support... 3rd times a charm? I'm hoping so!! Edited: this has already been postponed to Monday night. Husband was boo-hooing about having to go over there on Sunday! Whiner!
~i'm getting a haircut @ 2pm today. thankfully i've gone to this gal before so I'm not frightened and then when I remembered that they give head/neck massages pre-haircut, well, that makes it all the much better. I probably won't go back to old hairdresser and I can't wait 'til my mom sees her next time to see what she says about me not coming in. I am really in shock that she never called...certainly over the past 5 days she remembered @ some point!!!
~i'm contemplating running today. not sure if I should take 2 days off or not. my left shin is sore to the touch, but not terrible. maybe i'll just make it a short run. better than not @ all. we kind of wanted to make a family event on Sundays to go to this local park where they have a paved trail for running and TONS of open grass for E to run around with a soccer ball. that way I get in some outdoor running and E burns off a lot of energy and hopefully gets worn out. we really need to wear him out today too so maybe the night weaning won't be so difficult, at least this first night.
When I was working on my associates I often found myself sitting at the computer with everything on my mind besides the paper that needed to be written. Almost every paper I wrote was written the day it was due because I could never come up with the first line. Once the first line was down I could have a 4000 word paper hacked out in a couple of hours. It was always the first sentence that stumped me. Thank God for my husband he would throw out a couple ideas for the first line just to help me get started. Some how waiting until the last possible minute I still always managed to come up with good enough papers to impress the instructors. I sooooo don't miss those days, good luck on your paper.
Good luck with the 3rd time....I need to be working too.
I will be on twitter tonight to offer lots of support. Will be wishing you lots and lots of success.
Also - I start my 100 push-up challenge tomorrow. My running partner and mom will be doing it with me as well.
Latrell-thanks for visiting. i finally got rolling on the paper. it's just about done.
Krystyn-would you believe me if I told you that we've already postponed to start this on Monday night instead? Ugh. Freakin' baby of a husband doesn't want to go over to mom's on Sunday night, but says he'll stay longer if I need more nights to wean. He better, if he knows what's good for him.
OP-look @ that. we were posting @ the same time!! hopefully you'll be on Twitter post-run Monday night to offer support since we've postponed one night. ugh!
E wakes up 3-5 times a night?! Like serious wailing, he's just a big waker-upper, or did you rush in to fast in the beginning and now he's used to it? (That's not meant as a judgment either. . .I just figure I should learn from you so I don't end up having the same problem!)
Amy, the 3-5 wakings thing has been over past 10 days or so but he has always woken at least 2 times per night with the exception of a whopping 2 nights in his entire life when he slept thru. He doesn't do serious wailing, just fussing and whining cuz he can't get back to sleep unless booby is in the mouth. I don't know what you mean about rushing in?
What is it with old guys picking their noses? I noticed the same thing at the coffee shop this morning. Normally, I'm not offended by much, but that is such a nasty habit - especially in public.
Good luck with the weaning tomorrow night.
It sounds so silly, but I was totally nervous when I had to switch hairdressers too. Now I the (not-so-new-anymore) guy is not only the best stylist I have ever had, but he and his wife have become friends of mine. I hope your experience turns out to be just as pleasant as mine was!
i really love your new blog layout! you are an inspiration. :)
Good luck tomorrow! PS. I'm grateful you took time out to write instead of do school work. :P
I hope the new haircut is just what you wanted!!
I'm the same way when it comes to completing a task, so completely distracted by any little thing!!
Oh also I left you an award! :)
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