Tuesday, March 04, 2008


~After 3 re-schedules, my friend actually made it over for lunch today..yay for ChikFila.

~Mom & another friend are coming over tonight...bring Qdoba. Yay (again).

~I'm getting a (much needed) haircut on Thursday.

~We are having crazy weather here today..tornado & thunderstorm watches/warnings and now it's crazy sunny out!!

~I emailed the recruiter @ the hospital again today...she probably thinks I'm nuts now.

~SB gave me some stock...wahoo!!

~O got the job offer and it's better than what he currently has, but now he says he's not sure he wants to make a change 'til after bootcamp. To say I'm annoyed would be putting it lightly. I'm tired of carrying the burden around here AND he knows how badly I want to stay home w/Ethan so WTF?


Anonymous said...

Does the new employer know O is going to be leaving for boot camp soon? If they do, then I can't see how it makes much difference, unless he feels bad leaving his current job when they know he's leaving soon for bootcamp?

k said...

Yes, new employer knows about boot camp and still made him the offer so I don't know why O is so hung up about it...obviously new employer is fine w/it.

Stacy said...

Men are soooooo weird. Maybe you need to 'knock' some sense into him. "Sense" = the realization that he shouldn't make this decision, but should allow you to make it for him :)

Mary said...

lol - what stacy says! i can't think of a viable objection - makes total sense to me!!

enjoy Qboda!

Nichole M said...

What?!?! It's better but doesn't want to start after bootcamp? WTF is right! I mean everyone is scared about starting a new job, especially with something like bootcamp looming on the horizon, but he's got a family. He doesn't have the luxury of being scared. He needs to start being a man and providing for his growing family.

Nichole M said...

oh, and I just looked at your countdown thingy... 103 days. That's more than THREE MONTHS.

Anonymous said...

Does he feel like he'd be abondoning the current employer? For me it seems like the perfect time to switch. . .if he HATES it, he's only got 3 months then he can quit.

k said...

I don't understand his decision. I think it sucks. When I brought it up tonight, he made it sound like he's afraid to change and fail and then be w/o a job. So that means no light @ the end of the tunnel for me as I continue to carry the load here. I told him he needs to look for something else then cuz I'm tired of having all the pressure to make a decent living while he just 'gets by'...we haven't spoken to each other in the past 90 minutes now, but I really don't care right now.

justem said...

I like happy things :)

And let's see some more photos!!! ;)(I updated my blog just for you...!)

Freebird said...

Sorry, but I agree. When you have a family, you do what you gotta do. Period.