Tuesday, October 13, 2009

latest dilemma

~ok, so it looks like E will be starting in daycare next Tuesday.

~i'm trying to focus on the positives associated with it.

~i'm also trying not to call my EXsitter & go nutso on her over the phone. I'm just furious over her lack of courtesy.

~so all that to say that I'm considering applying to be a Substitute Teacher since my Mondays and Fridays will be open & it would help to offset the daycare costs.

~here's the issue....
~the pay is a measly $65.20 per day.
~I have to fork out $78.00 for pre-employment background check & such.
~there is a mandatory Orientation on Tuesdays only which means I'd have to miss one Stats class & some GA work hours.

~is it worth it? keep in mind, there is NO guarantee I'd be called, but what I do have going for me is that Mondays & Fridays are the "most-needed" days for Substitutes, so hopefully I'd be busy.

~your input please. what would you do?


WarriorHeartGypsySoul said...

I think it would be worth it. It's the chance to have some extra money and experience for the resume.

Tricia said...

I would do it! I considered substitute teaching myself but it pays even less here and I get paid more by unemployment to stay home - sad commentary on my life.

But YOU should do it! :)

Bored Housewife said...

Do it. You never know when you'll need a job, and now you'll have something to fall back on. Subbing is great experience for what you're studying, and you can use extra money for your I Want Wednesday Wishlist items!

JW.BW said...

It could really pay off in the long run. Might as well give it a try. And I am sure teaching makes for some GREAT blogging material

Mara said...

Sounds worthwhile to me. Good luck, whatever you decide.

~**Dawn**~ said...

I say it never hurts to have the option. I know it means shelling out some cash in advance, but if you do get called (and teachers do get sick a fair amount), it also wouldn't hurt to have something else to add to your resume right?

emilysuze said...

I would do it. I didn't think I'd be working a ton as a substitute, but sometimes I have to turn down jobs because there is such a demand, especially on Mondays and Fridays. My advice is to leave personal notes for the teachers with your info so that they're more likely to request you as a sub in the future. Just wish you guys got paid as much as we do out here (though I did just realize that I'm getting paid $10 less/day than I was last year).

Good luck!

Kristi @ Mi Vida Ocupada said...

Your subs only get $65 a DAY?????????? No way!! That is a very hard job. In our district they make twice that (but must be a licensed teacher with 4 year degree)

k said...

Yep. Only $65 per day! Stinks huh? But you only need to have a HS diploma to sub...probably explains Tennessee's very POOR education statistics & HIGH drop out rate.

Valerie said...

I would do it. They are the more popular days for teachers to take off. It doesn't hurt to sign up for it and when they call you know you made a little money that day. I swear I thought they made more than that though.

Chele76 said...

I think it would be a great investment. I have a few friends who have relied on that in the past and all had success. Is there a way to find out how many subs are swimming in the same pool as you?

k said...

Thanks to all of you for the support & overwhelming "votes" to GO FOR IT. I've decided to move forward in the process & will go pick up an application tomorrow. (they have to be obtained in person).

Also, after much thought, I would be getting finger printed & having a background done later this Fall anyway in preparation for my Practicum in the Spring...so I guess I would have been spending about this same amount of money anyway...

Hoping I can get thru the process quickly and get called to sub. I plan to only sub at the Elementary Level...those bigger kids scare the bejeezuz outta me. :)

msprimadonna67 said...

I definitely think it would be worth it!