Thursday, May 14, 2009

Weaning: Episode 4

~minimal progress again last night. less crying, but still not much sleep. thankfully today a friend told me that it took them about a week, so YAY for *someone* who took more than the mysterious 3 days.

~apparently E is the most stubborn child ever and only lays down in the crib when I am in the room, as soon as I leave he is standing up and remains standing up in the corner of the crib where he rests his head and then FALLS ASLEEP - STANDING UP!! That cannot be comfortable!

~He woke @ 1:30am and don't go all crazy on me now, I took him out of the crib and we went to bed. I really struggled with a lot of guilty feelings yesterday about the whole process and well, it got the best of me I guess. On the flip side, we both slept great until about 8am!!! We will be back to our regularly scheduled program tonight...I just wish he would lay down. The fact that he stays standing up the whole time really stresses me out, even though he does seem to doze off while standing.

~To make matters even more stressful (cuz I'm lucky like that) O will be home tonight. He doesn't want to stay @ my mom's tonight since her husband returned from his business trip...ugh, whatever. I told him he needs to get some earplugs and lock himself inside our bedroom with the TV on so he doesn't hear E crying. Thankfully the crying has reduced and seems to only last about 15-20 minutes. O just better not wig out on me because I have reached the top of my stress meter over the past two weeks.

~I'm also currently annoyed to no end with O because he has been napping for almost 3 hours now. He got up only 1 hour earlier for work today so I'm not buying that as an excuse. Heck he even got home from work early. Last time I checked, I was getting ALOT less sleep than him. How awesome is he?!?! NOT!! He is making it really hard for me to not wish he would have left for that stupid bootcamp.

~I think he's well on his way to earning the "shittiest husband of the year" award. Or at the very least the "most selfish person of the year" award.

~On the brighter side of my life, mom, E and I took a trip to the outlet mall early this afternoon where she bought some super cute Summer clothes for E. We had a really nice lunch out there too. I didn't want to come home.

~Thank you to those who have left me blog awards. I will try to get to them no later than Monday. Thanks for thinking of me!!


Fidgeting Gidget said...

Slow and steady, steady and slow, that's the way we always go.....

PS: I love the way you have a Harry Potter more reason why I think you and I are eerily alike.

PPS: Your little icon has gone missing from my fellow fidgeters section...where did you go?

Lisa Michelle said...

Just keep up the good work. You are doing fine. E will definitely get the hang of it, you just have to be as stubborn as he is! BAHAHA! Hopefully O will not be bothered tonight, otherwise kick him out and tell him to stay at a hotel. His loss not yours. Keep your chin up! :-)

Beatriz said...

Hang in there, surely it can't last forever?! Can it? I kid, hope you have a restful evening! Remember hope springs eternal :D

Daphne said...

I hope you got my comment about the blow dryer on...
the noise it makes, does something.

Its worth the try, my baby brother would cry on his crib.
We would leave the blowdryer on.
And he would fall asleep..

Optimistic Pessimist said...

O may be in line for the shittiest husband of the year award, but you are in line for the Tough Mom of the Year award!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

You're getting there! I hope little man E figures out you mean business really soon.

Moonjava said...

You're SUPERMOM! AND did you see! WINGS WON GAME 7!!! YAY!

Anna Kauz said...

You are doing so so so well!!!! Glad you both got some sleep last night, even though he was with you. For what its worth, I had a friend whose baby went to bed on his own, would wake up and come to bed w/ them. They did this for about 2 months, and now he's sleeping on his own. One step at a time!

k said...

Anna-Thanks so much for that info - it's definitely encouraging because I think that may be the route we end up on...

Heather said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chele76 said...

K: you HAVE come far already. So are we completely off the boob juice? I really wish O was more supportive of having a family and not putting everything on your lap. I'm sending as much strength to you as possible... or at the very least sleepy baby and a good stiff drink ;)

Bored Housewife said...

Am reading that E is only crying for 15 minutes, but wont lay down: this is such great progress!!!! He will lay down eventually: he's an animal, just like the rest of us, and eventually he will just sleep. You're doing it! Rockstar!

lolit said...

you'll soon get over it, just have more patience,goodluck!

BioniKat said...

My daughter kind of weaned herself from the breast at two. I was four months off of giving birth to her brother and I think the milk was getting less for her. She kind of pushed me away and refused the breast, instead preferring her bottle for ease of drinking. My boys breastfed for 9 months and 8 months respectively but they weaned themselves. I dont remember deciding to wean them as I found the ability to feed baby and sleep at the same time an incredible bonus. I think my kids chucked me out of their beds eventually not the other way around!

Beth said...

Glad to hear the weaning is going well. And I'm a firm believer in getting your sleep however you can! My husband ALWAYS gets more sleep than me. It is what reminds me that I AM tougher than he is.

Hope your weekend is great!