Wednesday, January 06, 2010

I Want Wednesday

Hard to believe there is still something I want with Christmas just being last week...but well...there is...

I want...

~for 2010 to pass by ever-so-quickly so that I can be that much closer to graduation and be done with this dreaded graduate assistantship. i cannot believe i've gotten to a point where i dread going to 'work' everyday...but i have. it is not fun, nor educational and i'm almost always bored. i'm also hoping to have a little luck with getting hired as a counselor mid-school year in the public school district here (in December 2010) to start in January and then I can quit the GA position and finish my internship concurrently (and get paid for it) hooray! please say a prayer for me on this one. i *really* need it to work out for me. desperate is an understatement.

~to be able to recover my TWO former blogs. i'd really like to read them now.

~a bunch of books STILL on my Amazon Wishlist because I didn't get a single one for Christmas this year...which is odd, because I usually's such an easy place for people to shop.

~everything in my Etsy Favorites section...which sadly i can't seem to link here to show you, but let me tell you it's a bunch of super duper cute fabrics and maybe a piece of jewelry or two.

~for E to start sleeping in his own bed which will ultimately free up my "office" in the evenings and allow me to stay up late to blog, sew and/or scrapbook.

~for O to sign back up for the Nat'l Guard and get outta my hair for a (long) while.

~to finish restoring this old desk in my garage that was "handed down" to me a while will fit perfectly in my office & i plan to use it as my sewing table.

~a fun, part time job to work on Sundays, paying at least $10/hour...yeah, i know...probably asking for too much on this one, but if you think of something, please do let me know.

~FREE time.


emilysuze said...

Those all sound like lovely things to want. I'll send good vibes your way.

And I love your new header for your blog. Cute pictures and a great collaging (sp?!) of them.

Beatriz said...

You know I created a whole list for my family because they always complain they don't know what to give me and they still didn't get me anything off of it! I will be as vague as possible next year! Let them be confused and irrate because the one time I try they ignore my list! And don't worry, X-mas does not mean you can't ask for anything again! Remember you still have Mother's Day, your B-Day, Anniversary, and an un-birthday coming up :)

Pretty Zesty said...

love the last one! :o) Take care!

Anonymous said...

I bet if you gathered up all the people who've read your blog from the beginning we could help you re-create it. I remember all the posts about that guy from grad school you liked, and the posts about O coming for your mom's wedding and the engagement. Don't know why.

k said...

Amy-lol - ur probably right. Ugh, don't remind me of that creep from grad school that I was so crazy about, for some STUPID reason. Hindsight Hindsight Hindsight!!!! Gets me everytime!!

Pretty Zesty said...

Hey! I'll definitely add Spotted Pig to the stakeout list! Thanks!

Beth said...

I want some FREE TIME, too!

Heidi Renée said...

There are a few old blogs of mine that I would like to resurrect (or at least revisit). Sadly, that's totally impossible because they're gone, gone, gone.

Anonymous said...

I think that's why I remember, because I always thought "What's so great about him?!" Ha!

I do miss the original title though, Confessions of a Former Sandal Junkie. I think that's why I decided to read when I clicked over from Nora, I'd been living in Alaska for three years and didn't get to wear my sandals anymore!

Lindsay said...

i can't imagine losing a blog and all the stories, memories, etc. :-/

email me your address!