Friday, December 28, 2007

~lazy Friday~

~I'm having a VERY lazy day today....

~It's pouring rain outside, so being lazy is not entirely my fault. I cannot help it when it's so gloomy and rainy outside.

~I have spent the last 3 hrs curled up on the couch with my sweet Hula kitty.

~I should be doing some work, but it's not mandatory, it's more of an option for me - although I really need to.

~I'm just trying to enjoy this 'downtime'...I don't think I'll get much of it in the coming YEARS.

~I did bake 3 'spice cakes' this morning though...I guess I used up my energy on them.

~Back to the couch for me...goodbye.


Anonymous said...

Mmm, spice cakes. I wish I could be in bed, it's lightly snowing and I have a headache. Flannel sheets seem nice.

Mary said...

spice cakes? Yum!! hope you had a nice day; I would have loved to be at home today - it was uber boring at work!!

Freebird said...

Spice cakes!Mmmm! It's cold today, I've been watching TV all morning. Time to get productive. I told myself that in between semesters I was going to declutter. Hasn't happened yet.