Monday, March 02, 2009

~random thoughts~

~Well, I thought I'd post a few random things I've been thinking about, despite the fact I don't think anyone is reading. Eh...what's new? Even those who were once considered 'regulars' here have fallen by the wayside.

~I really do strive to come up with some witty & interesting things to post, but I feel that I am failing miserably. Guess that's why no one is reading, huh?

~I really want to do the 3 Day Walk for Breast Cancer but it's not being held in a location close to me. Bummed! ETA: it's actually in Atlanta, so not too far away, BUT in order to participate, you have to raise $2300!!!

~Sometimes I have 2nd thoughts about getting my Masters in Mental Health Counseling. Is that REALLY want I want to do for the rest of my life? Honestly, I often think that I don't have any idea what I want to do for the rest of my life, so no matter what I studied, I'd probably feel this way. Great!!

~It also feels like completion of this degree is SO far away. After this semester, I will have 2 classes in the Summer and 2 in the Fall. In January 2010 I will begin my Practicum, followed by Internship. Practicum is 300 hours. Internship is 900. Ultimately that takes me to a graduation date of May 2011. It wouldn't have been dragged out so long but they only let students do Practicum in the Spring and they would not allow me to start this year having been out for the past 1.5 years. So all that to say, I'm just frustrated with life in general. Having no money. Feeling unsuccessful. Having no money. Not having a rich husband who provides enough to allow me to just stay home (like everyone else in playgroup). Feeling unsuccessful. Yeah, you get the point.

~At times I think if a job offer came my way (not likely in this economy), I'd be SOOOO tempted to quit school and just go back to work. *sigh*

~I feel very de-valued these days.

~Looks like it'll be a light day @ work today. I had 3 scheduled appointments when I got here and am now down to only 1. This is good news because I am SO not motivated to be here today. I'm in a funk, I guess.

~On the bright side, I'm happy to report that we were able to repair the washing machine ourselves. The part we needed cost $36. Sears was going to charge $214 for parts & labor!!! Of course, there were many frustrations and cuss words along the way, but in the end, it is fully functioning and a lot cleaner. My laundry room is also very clean now that water spilled all over the floor in the repair process.


Mary said...

I'm still here!! I really wanted to do the 3-day too...some of the girls from LM are doing it in Philly together, and I would have joined them in a heartbeat but its the same weekend as my 20 year HS reunion that I really want to go to!!

k said...

Mary-that's funny about your reunion, mine is scheduled for 8/23 (my bday) but I'm not going cuz I'll be single-momming it and school starts on 8/20. The odd thing though is that the 3 day was scheduled in Detroit for the weekend prior to the reunion - darn!! It would have been cool to go for a whole week.

Actually today I looked @ the 3day website and the Detroit date is no longer listed, so I guess it's not happening there after all. Strange.

k said...

OK - I'm a dork - the Avon Walk is not in Detroit, but the Komen 3 Day is...argh - I want to go!!

Chele76 said...

I'm still here! :)

Anonymous said...

I bet the playgroup mommies who stay home don't have tons of money either, they just don't talk about it, or make it sound like they do have lots. I know when I eventually quit, our income will be cut in half, but we're doing it anyway.

k said...

Well, by the looks of the playgroup mommies houses, they have a lot of money. Their husbands are doctors and CPAs...I'm in the wrong playgroup apparently. :)

~**Dawn**~ said...

I'm here! I'm here! I am still reading. I had some other stuff that demanded my attention and then the Google Reader got out of control. Seemed like I just kept getting further behind. I promise I was an equal opportunity neglecter though! ;-) I'm just about caught back up again. Whew.