Saturday, December 05, 2009

change in plans

~we woke up to this...
so I did NOT go to the store. It's 2:30pm and I haven't left the house yet.

instead I made finished this!!

using this tutorial... it's FAR from perfect, but it's complete.

The zipper thing is crazy-difficult. I think I may stick to quilts and other non-zipper related items.

Off to shower now...the snow is all melted (it's still effin cold though) and so we are off to dinner & a movie!!


Anonymous said...

That's cute. Just keep trying with the zipper thing, I'm sure it gets easier. And if it doesn't, the it will give you a good outlet to scream your frustrations at!

Mara said...

A great snow-day activity! It turned out really well, especially for your first one.

Rachel said...

aww girly! You got snow!?!? Better you than us! This should probably be a fluke for you...soon we'll be waist deep in it!

JW.BW said...

That is really cute!! I love the fabrics that you pick out!! I bet the zipper would be hard, I'm afraid to even try making a pillow. Sad, I know

k said...

Amy!! You are EVER the optimist's freaking me out. Stop it!!

Beth said...

I envy your mad sewing skills. Seriously, I pay people to sew a button back on.

It has been cold down in GA, too - but we don't get any snow. My kids were in high school on a band trip to Washington D.C. when they first saw real snow. Sad, isn't it?

Lindsay said...

you are very crafty! cute!

the snow was fun but brrr was it cold! (/still is grrr)

Valerie said...

Look at you go! So cute!!